Digestive System

Health Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District

Digestive System

What Is the Digestive System?

  • The digestive system changes food so the body can use it. It turns food into energy. Digestion breaks down food into nutrients. The nutrients are carried in your blood to all of your body parts.

Parts of the Digestive System

  • Many parts of your body help you digest food. Your mouth, tongue, and teeth help break down food. Your esophagus, stomach, liver, small intestine, and large intestine also make up the digestive system.

How Does the Digestive System Work?

  • Digestion begins with chewing. Swallowed food goes into the stomach. The stomach mixes food. The food moves to the small intestine and becomes liquid. Nutrients from the liquid are passed into your blood.

Working Together

  • The circulatory system and digestive system work together. Blood vessels pick up nutrients in the small intestine. Blood carries the nutrients through your blood vessels to the rest of your body.

Did You Know?

  • Salivary glands pump about three (3) cups of saliva into your mouth every day. Saliva helps break down food. Once you swallow the food, it takes about 10 seconds for it to reach your stomach.

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