Dimensions of Health & Wellness

Health & Physical Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District

Dimensions of health & Wellness

Want to be Healthy and Happy?

There are several dimensions of Health and Wellness. Looking after all dimensions of your health and wellness will help you to grow up to be the person you want to be. (1)

Wellness is defined as the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of a deliberate effort. The World Health Organization defines wellness as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being -- not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Holism is a way of thinking that takes into account that something cannot exist independently of the whole. So, holistic wellness considers the entire scope and range of our being: physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, environmental, and overall quality of life. Holistic wellness encourages and supports the development of wellness within and throughout all of these areas of life. (3)

Interrelationships Between the Dimensions of Health

The dimensions of health affect one another and therefore are interrelated or connected. Someone who is experiences optimal health in one dimension will often experience optimal health in other dimensions. (2)

Physical Health

That means how healthy your body is...your fitness, muscles, digestive system...all that stuff (1)

  • Walking for 30 minutes everyday is an easy way to improve your physical health.

Relates to the efficient functioning of the body and its systems, and includes the physical capacity to perform tasks and physically fitness. (2)

Physical wellness refers to the wellness of the physical human body. It includes the ability to perform daily tasks at peak levels, maintaining a healthy weight, general fitness, controlling stress, choosing a healthy diet and exercise program, quality sleep, and in general, respecting and taking care of your body. (3)

Mental Health

That means how healthy your mind is...your perspective or outlook on life, how well you cope or deal with stress, and your level of happiness. (1)

State of well-being in which the individual realizes her/his own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her/his community. (2)

Mental wellness refers to the wellness of the mind and our mental abilities, and includes developing a way of thinking that promotes mental wellness, positive thinking, utilizing creativity, having a strong curiosity and a desire to learn, and maintaining optimal focus, concentration, and memory. (3)

Social Health

That means you communicate with others and have a supportive network of people (family, friends, classmates, colleagues, etc.)...as humans, we need to feel connected to others (not just through social media). (1)

  • Positively engaging with others can help you feel connected, valued, and happy.

Being able to interact with others and participate in the community in both an independent and cooperative way. (2)

Social wellness refers to human connections that facilitate a sense of belonging with other humans and basing relationships on commitment, trust, honesty, and respect. (3)

Emotional Health

Emotional wellness refers to our feelings and mood, and involves the development of more positive emotional responses, seeking greater degrees of happiness and inner peace, compassion for self and others, and the ability to identify and appropriately express feelings. Emotional wellness also entails the ability to remain centered, seeking self-awareness and mastering emotions, instead of them controlling you. (3)

Spiritual Health

That means you feel you have a sense of purpose...by having a drive to do something positive for other people (not just yourself)...or feeling connected to something bigger than yourself. (1)

  • You don't have to be a superhero to help others, but you might just feel like one.

Spiritual wellness or wellness of the spirit refers to when our actions thoughts and emotions are in a state of balance and entails cultivating a mindset and way of life that promotes peace, harmony, and balance development in all areas of life and self. Learning to stay in the moment, mindfulness, practicing gratitude, and learning and appreciating who you really are key components of spiritual wellness. (3)

Intellectual/Cognitive Health

That means keeping your mind active! Constantly learning and challenging yourself intellectually will help keep your cognitively healthy.

  • Being at school presents an awesome opportunity to become a life-long learner.

Environmental Health

Environmental wellness refers to the wellness of the planet and your role in it. Having a respect for nature and taking part in socially responsible activities to protect the environment are two key elements of environmental wellness. Protecting yourself from environmental hazards is another. (3)

Financial Health

Financial wellness refers to the management of finances. Financial worry is one of the greatest contributors to stress on a societal level. Learning to successfully manage expenses, taking time to plan and budget, striving when possible to improve monetary situations, and accepting your financial limitations and living within your means are key in attaining financial wellness. (3)

Occupational Health

Occupational wellness refers to career and job satisfaction; a balance between work, home, and play; managing workplace stress; and forming healthy relationships with co-workers. (3)

Wellness and quality of life refers to the level of complete balance and satisfaction in your overall life and making the necessary improvements to avoid feeling oppressed, suppressed, and depressed. (3)

Consider all these dimensions on your journey to ultimate wellness to create a more balanced and well you. (3)


HEK.1 / HE2.1 / HE3.1 / HE4.1 - comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health

HEK.1b - identify that physical health is one dimension of health and wellness

HE2.1a – recognize that there are multiple dimensions of health

HE3.1c - give examples of intellectual, physical, emotional, and social health

HE4.1b – predict the short and long term effects of health choices on the multiple dimensions of health