Staying Well


Substance Abuse & Disease Prevention (4)

HPE Lesson Plans - Health - KHE, 1HE, 2HE, 3HE, 4HE, 5HE

Safety | Mental, Social & Emotional Health | Substance Abuse & Disease Prevention | Growing Up Healthy


L1: Medicines Affect the Body| L2: Common Substances That Can Be Harmful | L3: How Tobacco Harms Body Systems | L4: How Alcohol Harms Body Systems | L5: Saying No to Alcohol & Tobacco | L6: Why People Become Ill| L7: Infectious Diseases | L8: Fighting Infectious Diseases | L9: Noninfectious Diseases | L10: Staying Well

Substance Abuse & Disease Prevention

Staying Well

See below for the following:

Standard(s), Essential Question(s), Big Idea(s)


I will explain how a healthful lifestyle reduces one's chances of getting certain diseases and illnesses.

I will list ways to deal with stress.

I will explain the effects of tobacco/nicotine use.




resistance - the ability of the body to fight pathogens by itself

abstinence - the act of choosing not to use tobacco/nicotine, alcohol, or illegal drugs and actively avoiding behavior that will harm their health

OPENING (Engage)

Main Idea

Making healthful choices helps reduce disease.

Why Learn This?

You can use what you learn to have a healthful lifestyle.

WORK PERIOD (Explore/Explain/Extend/Elaborate)

READ: Staying Well

Have you ever stood in front of the refrigerator trying to decide what to eat? The food you choose may affect how your body fights disease. Every day you make choices like this that affect your body. These choices make up your lifestyle. A lifestyle is the way a person lives. A healthful lifestyle will help your body stay well.

What can you do to stay well?

You can do many things to stay well. Exercise helps prevent heart diseases and helps your body fight off pathogens. Getting enough rest helps your body grow and repair itself. Healthful foods give your body the building blocks it needs.

A healthful lifestyle also includes regular checkups with your doctor. Having vaccinations at the times list below is also important. So is not using harmful substances like drugs and alcohol.


Managing stress is another important part of a healthful lifestyle. Some stress is good for you, but too much stress can make you ill. Knowing what causes too much stress is the first step. For example, you may feel stress because you don't plan your time so you can finish all your homework.

The next step in managing stress is to decide how to handle the situation. You can probably make time to do you homework by cutting out another activity. Learning to relax is another way to manage your stress. Think about a fun activity you can do after your homework is done.

Remember that you also can stay well by avoiding pathogens. One way to avoid pathogens is to keep clean. You should wash your hands often and your body daily (personal hygiene). Wash your hands before and after preparing food.

By making healthful lifestyle choices, you help your body have resistance to disease. Resistance (rih*ZIS*tuhnts) is the ability of the body to fight pathogens by itself. If you choose good health habits, you will have a better chance of staying well.

Some people think that taking large amounts of vitamins will improve their resistance. However, too much of some vitamins can cause problems. If you aren't sure whether you need vitamins or don't know which vitamins to take, ask your doctor.

A doctor or nutritionist can help you decide if you need to add vitamins or minerals to your diet.

Why should you avoid tobacco?

Sarah and her grandmother are eating lunch together. While they are eating, a person at a nearby table begins smoking a cigarette. The smoke smells bad. It makes Sarah sneeze. She does not like breathing in cigarette smoke.

Sarah knows that using tobacco is not a good choice for a healthful lifestyle. Using tobacco can lead to many health problems and may lead to death. Smoking can cause cancer of the lungs, throat, and mouth. Smoking also can cause heart disease and asthma attacks. Using chewing tobacco can cause problems with teeth and gums. It can cause cancer of the mouth. Smoking also causes the body to have less resistance to pathogens. That is why smokers are ill more often than people who do not smoke.

Smoking cigarettes has been popular for a long time. Now all cigarette packages are labeled with warnings about the health problems that smoking can cause. Many people quit smoking when they learned about these health problems.

Other people quit smoking because of the high cost of cigarettes or because smoking is no longer allowed in many public places and workplaces. People who choose not to use tobacco are practicing abstinence (AB*stuh*nuhnts) -- they are avoiding a behavior that will harm their health.

When you know about the health problems caused by smoking, you may wonder why anyone still smokes. Smoking is a hard habit to stop. Once someone starts smoking cigarettes or using other tobacco/nicotine products, his/her body wants more. Often the person feels terrible when s/he tries to stop using tobacco/nicotine products.

Some people start smoking when they are young. They smoke to fit in with certain groups, or they may want to appear grown up. Neither of these is a good reason to smoke. The most healthful choice you can make is to never start smoking. 

"Don't start something you know you are going to have to quit."

Remember that making healthful choices helps reduce disease. You can use what you have learned to have a healthful lifestyle.

CLOSING (Evaluate)


HE4.1a - recognize the relationship between health behavior and disease prevention

HE4.1d - describe basic health concepts of personal hygiene and safety 

HE4.2b - describe how the school and community can support personal health practices and behaviors                                                                 

HE4.7a - demonstrate a healthy behavior to improve personal health and wellness

HE4.7b - demonstrate behaviors to reduce health risks 

Essential Question(s)

Big Idea(s)


DCSD Board-Approved Instruction Materials
