Choices You Make Affect Growth

HEALTH EDUCATION (5) - Growing Up Healthy - EXTRA

HPE Lesson Plans - Health - KHE, 1HE, 2HE, 3HE, 4HE, 5HE

Safety | Mental, Social & Emotional Health | Substance Abuse & Disease Prevention | Growing Up Healthy


L1: Your Digestive System| L2: Food - Nutrients for the Body | L3: MyPlate | L4: Influences on Your Food Choices | L5: Food Labels & Advertising | L6: Changing Families, Changing Roles| L7: Communication in Families | L8: Growth Comes in Stages | L9: Growth, Heredity, and the Endocrine System | L10: Dealing with Adolescence | EXTRA: Choices You Make Affect Growth

Growing UP Healthy

Choices You Make Affect Growth

See below for the following:

Standard(s), Essential Question(s), Big Idea(s)


I will explain how exercise and a proper diet help growing bodies.

I will describe other choices that can affect growth.




Calories - the amount of energy released by food is measured in units called Calories

relaxation - rest; as with exercise and a healthful diet, sleep and relaxation also affect your growth and health

hygiene - taking good care of your body includes making choices about your personal cleanliness (a.k.a. hygiene)

OPENING (Engage)

Main Idea

Healthful choices about exercise, diet, rest, and hygiene can make puberty a positive time of growth and development.

Why Learn This?

Information about how choices you make affect your health can help you develop  positive program for taking care of your body.

WORK PERIOD (Explore/Explain/Extend/Elaborate)

READ: Choices You Make Affect Growth

Your body needs special care as it goes through the physical, mental, and emotional changes of puberty. Exercise and nutrition are two important ways to support your growing body. This lesson provides tips about exercise and nutrition and about other ways of taking care of your body.

How do exercise and proper diet help your growing body?

You may know that exercise is good for you physically, but did you know it is also very good for you mentally and emotionally? People who exercise regularly are likely to sleep better. They feel more confident, and they are better able to focus on their schoolwork.

Exercise also reduces emotional stress. If you are feeling sad, exercise often helps you feel better. Some people do their best problem solving during a run or a walk.

It's important to plan an exercise program you will enjoy. If you have a good time while exercising, it will be easier to exercise regularly. Exercise is usually more fun when you work out with a friend and vary the kinds of exercise you do. Choose activities that increase your endurance, strength, and flexibility. All three of these physical qualities are important for total fitness.

During puberty your body is changing in many ways. You need a healthful diet that supplies you with energy and helps you grow. The food you eat affects how you look and feel, how well you resist disease, and how well you perform mentally and physically.

The amount of energy released by food is measured in units called Calories. An apple gives you about 80 Calories, while a slice of pizza gives you about 290 Calories. The number of Calories in the food you eat should match your body's needs. Too many Calories and too little exercise will cause you to gain weight. Too few Calories will cause you to be too thin and to lack energy. Both extremes put your growth and health at risk. Exercising and choosing healthful foods are important ways to show that you are growing up and able to take responsibility for yourself.

How do other choices affect your growing body?

As with exercise and a healthful diet, sleep and relaxation, or rest, also affect your growth and health. When you sleep, you give your body time to recover from your daytime activities. Much of your body's growth takes place while you sleep. It is also during this time that the body repairs damaged tissues and releases built-up stress.

No two people have exactly the same need for sleep. The amount of sleep that is right for you is unique to your body. You are probably getting enough sleep if you fall asleep easily and wake up feeling rested.

Sometimes the hormones that are active during puberty change sleep patterns slightly. You may feel that you want to stay up later at night and sleep longer in the morning. If you have an early school schedule, this sleep pattern will be difficult to follow.

Getting to sleep on time will be easier if you plan an evening routine that helps you relax and prepare your body for sleep. On weekends, try to avoid going to bed late and getting up late. This disrupts your regular sleep pattern and can make it hard to return to your normal cycle.

The changes of puberty can add a great deal of stress to your life. Some stress is normal, but too much stress can make you feel nervous and irritable. When you have too much stress, it is hard to concentrate. Over time, too much stress can lead to physical symptoms, such as headaches or an upset stomach.

You can do many things to manage stress and keep it under control. Give yourself time to relax every day. Reading, drawing, listening to music, playing with a pet, or being out in nature are good ways to relax. You can also avoid stress by learning to manage your time and by setting realistic goals for yourself.

Taking good care of your body includes making choices about your personal hygiene (HY jeen), or cleanliness. As your body changes, new perspiration odors and skin problems can make cleanliness an important concern. Develop a daily routine you can do before you go to bed or before school in the morning that includes cleaning your entire body from your face and your teeth down to your toes.

REMEMBER...Healthful choices about exercise, diet, rest, and hygiene can make puberty a positive time of growth and development. Information about how choices you make affect your health can help you develop  positive program for taking care of your body.

CLOSING (Evaluate)


HE5.1a - recognize the relationship between healthy behaviors and disease prevention

HE5.1b - describe and apply the basic personal health concepts of healthy eating and physical activity

HE5.1c - describe and apply the basic health concept of mental and emotional well-being

HE5.1d - describe and apply the basic health concept of personal hygiene and safety

HE5.1e - distinguish the short and long-term physical effects of use and/or misuse of substances

HE5.1f - identify trusted adults and when it might be important to seek health care or emergency help for themselves or others

HE5.1g - identify the changes that occur during puberty

HE5.1h - distinguish between tattling, reporting aggression, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence (physical and/or sexual) and how to report these instances

HE5.1i - identify strategies to avoid physical fighting and violence

HE5.2a - evaluate the influence of family and peers on personal health behaviors and decisions

HE5.2b - describe how the school and community can support personal health practices and behaviors

HE5.2c - explain how media/technology influences thoughts, feelings, and health behaviors

HE5.3a - identify characteristics of valid health information, products, and services

HE5.3b - access resources from home, school, and community that provide valid health information

HE5.3c - assess the characteristics of valid health information, products, and services

HE5.4a - apply effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance health

HE5.4b - model effective nonviolent strategies to manage or resolve conflicts

HE5.4c - demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance personal health and the health of others

HE5.5a - identify health-related situations that might require a thoughtful decision

HE5.5b - list healthy options and possible consequences to a health-related issue or problem

HE5.5c - predict the potential outcomes of each option when making a health-related decision

HE5.5d - analyze when assistance is needed in making a health-related decision

HE5.5e - choose a healthy option when making a decision

HE5.5f - describe the outcomes of a health-related decision

HE5.6a - set a personal health goal and track progress toward its achievement

HE5.6b - identify and utilize resources to assist in achieving a personal health goal

HE5.7a - practice responsible personal health choices

HE5.7b - demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors to preserve or enhance personal health

HE5.7c - model a variety of behaviors that prevent or decrease health risks to self and/or others

HE5.8a - review accurate information and develop an opinion about a health issue

HE5.8b - advocate for positive health choices

Essential Question(s)

Big Idea(s)


DCSD Board-Approved Instruction Materials
