Infectious Diseases

HEALTH EDUCATION - Lesson 7 - Week 7/8

Substance Abuse & Disease Prevention (4)

HPE Lesson Plans - Health - KHE, 1HE, 2HE, 3HE, 4HE, 5HE

Safety | Mental, Social & Emotional Health | Substance Abuse & Disease Prevention | Growing Up Healthy


L1: Medicines Affect the Body| L2: Common Substances That Can Be Harmful | L3: How Tobacco Harms Body Systems | L4: How Alcohol Harms Body Systems | L5: Saying No to Alcohol & Tobacco | L6: Why People Become Ill| L7: Infectious Diseases | L8: Fighting Infectious Diseases | L9: Noninfectious Diseases | L10: Staying Well

Substance Abuse & Disease Prevention

Infectious Diseases

See below for the following:

Standard(s), Essential Question(s), Big Idea(s)


I will distinguish between diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

I will explain how diseases can be spread.

I will explain how food and water spread pathogens.




pathogen - an organism that causes disease

viruses - the smallest pathogens that can cause disease

bacteria - one-celled living things that can cause disease

infection - the growth of pathogens somewhere in the body

contaminated water - water that has dangerous pathogens in it

OPENING (Engage)

Main Idea

Infectious diseases are spread by pathogens.

Why Learn This?

You can use what you learn to reduce the spread of pathogens.

WORK PERIOD (Explore/Explain/Extend/Elaborate)

READ: Infectious Diseases

You have learned that infectious diseases are spread from person to person. But how are these diseases spread? They are spread by pathogens. A pathogen (PA*thuh*juhn) is an organism that causes disease. You probably have never seen a pathogen because most are very small. People who are ill may spread pathogens to other people, causing those people to become ill.

What kinds of pathogens cause disease?

There are several kinds of pathogens. Viruses (VY*ruh*suhz) are the smallest pathogens. Viruses cause colds, flu, COVID-19, chicken pox, and measles. Viruses cannot live by themselves. They must live inside the cells of other living things. Cells are the tiny building blocks that make up living things.

The only way to see most pathogens is with a microscope.

Viruses cause disease when they enter cells in your body. A virus causes a cell to stop working in its normal way. The cell then starts making more viruses. When the cell is full of viruses, it bursts open and the viruses spread to other cells in the body. The viruses can also spread from one person to another.

Another kind of pathogen is bacteria. Bacteria (bak*TIR*ee*uh) are one-celled living things that can cause disease. Bacteria live in all kinds of places. Some live in dry places. Others live in wet places. Some need light. Others may live in the dark. Because bacteria are living cells, they need food and water. Bacteria are different shapes and sizes, but almost all bacteria are so small that they can be seen only with a microscope.

Most bacteria don't harm people. In fact, your body needs some kinds of bacteria to work normally. A few kinds of bacteria, however, do cause diseases in people. Pinkeye, ear infections, and strep throat can be caused by bacteria.

When viruses or bacteria grow in the body, they cause infections. An infection (in*FEK*shuhn) is the growth of pathogens somewhere in the body. When your body has an infection, you may become ill with a disease.

How are pathogens spread?

Pathogens can be spread from person, insect, animal, food, or water to a person. Pathogens may spread to you if you kiss someone who is ill or touch skin that is infected. Some pathogens can spread through the air. When someone coughs or sneezes, droplets with pathogens can be sprayed into the air. If you are nearby, you may breathe in those pathogens and develop a disease.

Some pathogens remain on objects after a person who is ill has touched or used them. If you use a drinking glass or water bottle that someone else has used, you can get pathogens from it. You can get pathogens from objects, such as pencils, books, doorknobs, and handrails. If someone who is ill with a respiratory or intestinal illness has touched them without washing his or her hands.

Sometimes animals, such as insects and birds, spread pathogens to people. People also can get pathogens from eating food that isn't prepared properly or drinking water that isn't clean.

How do food and water spread pathogens?

Even foods that aren't spoiled can spread pathogens. Always wash your hands with warm water and soap before you handle food. That way you prevent any pathogens that may be on your hands from getting onto your food. You must also wash your hands after handling food to avoid spreading pathogens that may be on the food.

Pathogens in certain foods can grow and make poisons. Beef, pork, chicken, and fish left outside the refrigerator for just a few hours can spoil. Eggs, milk, and foods made from eggs or milk can spoil quickly too. You must handle and prepare these fresh foods very carefully in order to avoid the spread of pathogens.

Water is another source of pathogens, especially water that is not moving or flowing. Water that is warm, shallow, and dirty may be filled with pathogens.

Water that has dangerous pathogens in it is called contaminated water (kuhn&TA*muh*nay*tid WAW*ter). You will probably become ill if you drink contaminated water. Some water is so contaminated that even swimming or standing in it can make you ill. The pathogens in the water can get into your mouth, any breaks in your skin, or on your hands. Staying away from such water can help prevent you from getting a disease.

Remember that infectious diseases are spread by pathogens. You can use what you have learned to reduce the spread of pathogens.

CLOSING (Evaluate)


HE4.1a - recognize the relationship between health behavior and disease prevention

HE4.1d - describe basic health concepts of personal hygiene and safety 

HE4.2b - describe how the school and community can support personal health practices and behaviors                                                                 

HE4.7a - demonstrate a healthy behavior to improve personal health and wellness

HE4.7b - demonstrate behaviors to reduce health risks 

Essential Question(s)

Big Idea(s)


DCSD Board-Approved Instruction Materials
