
HEALTH EDUCATION - Unit 1 - Lesson 4 - Week 4/12

Mental, Social & Emotional Health (K)

L1: Health | L2: Feelings | L3: Feelings: Coping & Sharing | L4: Diversity | L5: Character | L6: Communicate | L7: Family | L8: Families Help | L9: Families Care | L10: Friends | L11: Getting Along | L12: Resolving Conflict

Unit 1: Mental, Social & Emotional Health


Priority Standard(s)

HEK.2a - identify how family, peers, and cultural factors influence personal health and well-being

HEK.3a - identify types of trusted adults and professionals as resources for health information

HEK.4a - examine ways to express feelings in a healthy way

HEK.8b - encourage peers to make positive health choices

Supporting Standard(s)

Essential Question(s)

  1. What are the multiple dimensions of health?

  2. How do you know you are healthy?

  3. What do you do with your feelings?

  4. How do you show good character?

  5. Who are your friends and family?

  6. Why do you do things?

Big Idea(s)

  1. There are multiple dimensions of health: physical, mental, social, and emotional.

  2. You know you are healthy when your body, mind, actions toward others, and feelings are at their best.

  3. Everyone has all kinds of feelings and it is important that you let people know how you are feeling through your positive words, body language, and how you act. It is important to think about how your expression of your feelings will affect others. Everyone shares feelings in their own way.

  4. You show good character by acting in a way that is best for you and others, whether someone else is watching or not.

  5. Your family and friends are people you care about and who care about you. You should show respect to each and every person.

  6. You do things for many different reasons: because you want to or don't want to, you know you should or you shouldn't, someone told you, something looks attractive or inviting or dangerous or scary, or you know it is the right thing to do.


I will recognize and understand differences among people, act in ways that show I am special, and try different ways of learning.



Count 1-10 Song | The Singing Walrus

OPENING (Engage)

Talk About It

We just heard the "Count 1-10 Song."

What are some of the things you do well?

Vocabulary Strategies

special - unlike anyone or anything else

Look at the pictures below and tell what might be special about each child shown.

Each person is special and learns in their own way.

  • Some people learn best by listening (count to ten).

  • Some people learn best by seeing (write the numerals 1-10 on the board).

  • Some people learn best by touching (have students trace numbers 1-10 on cones).

  • Some people learn best by doing (have students 10 tongue depressors, one at a time).

Which way of learning do you think works best for you?

WORK PERIOD (Explore/Explain/Extend/Elaborate)

I'm going to pair you up. Please share with your partner times when you felt special.

Now that you have shared times when you have felt special, please draw a self-portrait and write underneath it ways in which you are special.

CLOSING (Evaluate)

Share with the class ways in which you are special.


  • 10 cones

  • 10 shoulder folders

  • Numbers 1-10 for shoulder folders

  • tongue depressors

  • paper

  • pencils & crayons

DCSD Board-Approved Instruction Materials

  • Health & Wellness: Teacher's Edition (New Edition) - Grade K. Macmillan/McGraw-Hill. 2008.

  • Health Big Ideas Book - Grade K. Macmillan/McGraw-Hill. 2008.

  • Life Skills Book - Grade K. Macmillan/McGraw-Hill. 2008.

  • Health Masters - Grade K. Macmillan/McGraw-Hill. 2008.

  • Transparency Book - Grades K-2. Macmillan/McGraw-Hill. 2008.
