Mental, Social & Emotional Health

2nd Grade - Health Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District

HPE Lesson Plans - Health - KHE, 1HE, 2HE, 3HE, 4HE, 5HE

Mental, Social & Emotional Health | Substance Use & Abuse | Disease Prevention | Nutrition & Fitness | Human Growth & Development | Safety | Health Helpers | A Healthful Place to Live | Safety | Mental, Social & Emotional Health | Substance Abuse & Disease Prevention | Growing Up Healthy

Mental, social & Emotional Health

Your Feelings


THE BIG IDEA - How do you stay healthy?


Lesson 1 - How Can I Be Healthy?

Do you have good health? How do you know? You have good health when you take care of your body and your mind, share your feelings, and get along with others. Regular checkups at the doctor and dentist help take care of your body.

Your body needs healthful food and exercise.

Good health means more than having a healthy body. You need a healthy mind, too. You can read a book, work on a puzzle, or learn a new hobby. Doing things that make you think keeps your mind sharp. What thingsdo you do to stay healthy?

Share to get along with others.

Lesson 2 - What Is Good Character?

Lesson 3 - Show Good Character

Do you help out at home? Do you tell the truth? These actions show good character. Good character is a way of acting that is best for you and others. It means doing the right thing. How do you show good character?

You can show good character in what you say and do. Showing good character can help you get along with others.

Lesson 4 - Make Wise Decisions

You make choices every day. You might choose what to eat or what clothes to wear. When you choose something you make a decision.

A wise decision is the best choice. Sometimes it can be hard to make a wise decision.

Wearing a helmet when you ride a bicycle is a wise decision.

Suppose your friends decide to leave the school yard. They want you to leave too but you know it is not safe. It is against the rules. You can ask yourself questions to help you make a wise decision. If you answer yest to these questions, you have made a wise decision.

Lesson 5 - Share Your Feelings

Think about how you feel. Do you feel sad or happy? Do you feel excited or calm? You have many feelings every day. Feelings are a way of knowing how you are. Knowing how you feel is important. When you communicate you show or tell something. You can communicate or share your feelings in healthful ways.

You can share your feelings by talking with others. You might also want to draw a picture or write about how you feel.

If you are angry or upset, take a time-out to cool down. Think about why you are angry. Try not to yell at or harm others. You can try counting to ten (10) or taking deep breaths.

When you are upset, do something active.

Lesson 6 - Learning Life Skills - Communicate - Make a Telephone

Lesson 7 - How You See Yourself

Do you think you are a responsible person? Do you make your bed? Do you help out in your neighborhood? Do you do your homework? Being responsible is one way to have a healthy self-concept. Self-concept is the way you see yourself.

Each person is different. Each person is special too!

Try to be the best you can be. You may make mistakes. A healthy self-concept means that you can make wise decisions. you can be a good listener, too. It shows people that you care and helps you get along. What other ways can you show you care?

Work hard to learn new things.

Lesson 8 - How Can I Manage Stress?

Stress is the change that happens in your body when you have strong feelings. You might get a headache. You might get an upset stomach. Your hear might beat faster. Your palms might sweat.

There are times when you might feel stress. You might feel stress when you are worried about a test.

Sometimes stress can help you.

Too much stress can make you tired or sick. You can manage stress and feel better. Talk to a parent or guardian. Listen to music, play with a pet, or go for a walk. Try writing or drawing about how you feel. Be sure to get plenty of rest, sleep, and exercise. What are some ways you manage stress?

Playing outside is a great way to manage stress.

Lesson 9 - Mistakes Happen

Everybody makes mistakes. A mistake is something that is done wrong. Mistakes can make you feel bad, but you can learn from them. Figure out what went wrong. Then find out how to do better next time.

What do you do when you make a mistake?

People make mistakes every day.

Sometimes you might not want to say that you have made a mistake. You might be scared that someone will be angry. You might want to blame someone else. Tell the truth if you make a mistake. Say you are sorry if you make a mistake. A Trusted adult can help you learn from a mistake.

Talking about your mistake can help you figure out how to fix it.


communicate - to show or tell something

feelings - a way of knowing how you are

good character - a way of acting that is best for you and others

good health - taking care of your body and your mind, sharing your feelings, and getting along with others

mistake - something that is done wrong

self-concept - the way you see yourself

stress - changes that happen in your body when you have strong feelings

wise decision - the best choice

Unit 2: Getting Along


THE BIG IDEA - What do family and friends mean to you?


Lesson 1 - Many Kinds of Families

Lesson 2 - Families & Fun

Lesson 3 - Families Can Change

Lesson 4 - Families & Respect

Lesson 5 - Families & Friends

Lesson 6 - Make Wise Decisions With Friends

Lesson 7 - Friends & Conflict

Lesson 8 - Learning Life Skills