Using MyPlate

HEALTH EDUCATION - Lesson 10 - Week 10/10

Growing Up Healthy (4)

HPE Lesson Plans - Health - KHE, 1HE, 2HE, 3HE, 4HE, 5HE

Safety | Mental, Social & Emotional Health | Substance Abuse & Disease Prevention | Growing Up Healthy


L1: You Are Growing Cell by Cell| L2: Your Brain & Nervous System: The Control Center for Growth | L3: Your Skin & Its Care | L4: Your Teeth & Their Care | L5: Your Vision & Hearing | L6: Your Posture| L7: Your Physical Fitness | L8: Nutrients & Your Digestive System | L9: Food and the Nutrients It Contains | L10: Using MyPlate | EXTRA: Understanding a Food Label | EXTRA: Preparing Food Safely

Growing Up Healthy

Using MyPlate

See below for the following:

Standard(s), Essential Question(s), Big Idea(s)


I will use MyPlate and the steps for making decisions to identify and choose healthful snack foods.




habit - something you do so often that you don't even think about it / healthful eating habits are formed by using MyPlate to help you plan your meals and snacks

MyPlate - MyPlate is a visual reminder to make healthy choices from each of the five groups. offers tips and resources that support healthy dietary patterns. Learn how to make MyPlate work for you with the Start Simple with MyPlate mini-poster in English or Spanish.

OPENING (Engage)

Main Idea

MyPlate can help you choose healthful snacks.

Why Learn This?

Making wise food choices at snack time will help you develop healthful eating habits.

WORK PERIOD (Explore/Explain/Extend/Elaborate)

READ: Using MyPlate

4:02 P.M. "I get hungry at this time every day!" says RamĂłn. He opens the refrigerator, looking for a snack. Cheese, carrots, cupcakes. He opens the cupboard. Chips, soup, cookies, popcorn. RamĂłn sees a bowl on the table. Plums, grapes, pears. "What am I going to eat?" cries RamĂłn. "I can't decide!"

Does this story sound familiar? Do you often want a snack when you get home from school? If so, you know that choosing a healthful snack is not always easy.

How can you make wise food choices?

Learning to choose foods wisely now will help you stay healthy all your life. It will help you form healthful eating habits. A habit is something you do so often that you don't even think about it. Healthful eating habits are formed by using MyPlate to help you plan your meals and snacks. The more often you choose healthful foods, the easier making healthful choices will become.

Steps for Making Decisions

It won't hurt to eat junk food now and then. But habits can last a long time, and breaking bad ones isn't easy, If you choose unhealthful foods often, you'll soon have a habit that's hard to break!

RamĂłn wants to make a wise food choice. He thinks about what he's already eaten today. He asks himself, "Will I have a balanced diet if I choose that food?"

RamĂłn wants a cupcake. But he decides he has not eaten enough foods from the fruit and milk groups. He chooses the grapes and cheese. He knows they are healthful and will provide him with the nutrients he needs.

5:02 P.M. RamĂłn isn't hungry. He feels good. He has gotten the nutrients he needed.

What are some hints for choosing a healthful snack?

You're hungry. It's not yet dinnertime. What do you choose for a snack? Do you want cookies or fruit? A glass of milk or a doughnut?

When you choose a snack, think of the guidelines for a healthful diet. Try not to eat too much sugar, fat, or salt. Foods high in these substances fill you up, but they don't give you the nutrients you need.

How you are feeling can affect what you want to eat. Do you want something warm? Cold? Crunchy? Soft? Smooth? There is a healthful food for every mood.

Sometimes you might be hungry, but you don't feel like eating. Remember, a snack doesn't have to be solid food. Try having a glass of orange, grapefruit, or tomato juice. These choices are healthful. They will fill you up, too.

You can eat tasty foods that are also healthful. Be daring! Be creative! Try something new! Next time you're about to reach for a candy bar or soft drink, make a more healthful choice.

Here are some ideas to help you:

REMEMBER...MyPlate can help you choose healthful snacks. Making wise food choices at snack time will help you develop healthful eating habits.

CLOSING (Evaluate)


HE4.1a - recognize the relationship between healthy behavior and disease prevention

HE4.3a - identify the characteristics of valid health information, products, and services

HE4.3b - list resources from home, school, and community that provide valid health information

HE4.5b - describe the possible consequences of an unhealthy decision and healthy alternatives when making a health-related decision

Essential Question(s)

Big Idea(s)

Steps for Making Decisions


DCSD Board-Approved Instruction Materials
