Medicines, Drugs & You

2nd Grade - Health Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District

HPE Lesson Plans - Health - KHE, 1HE, 2HE, 3HE, 4HE, 5HE

Mental, Social & Emotional Health | Substance Use & Abuse | Disease Prevention | Nutrition & Fitness | Human Growth & Development | Safety | Health Helpers | A Healthful Place to Live | Safety | Mental, Social & Emotional Health | Substance Abuse & Disease Prevention | Growing Up Healthy

Substance USE & Abuse

Unit 7: Medicines, Drugs & You


THE BIG IDEA - What do you know about medicines?


Lesson 1 - Medicines

Have you ever felt sick? You might take medicine. A medicine is something you take when sick to get well. Medicines can help you feel better.

Medicines come in many forms. Some are liquids. Some are pills. Some are sprays that you breathe into your lungs.

You buy medicine at the store.

What did you do the last time you felt sick? If you do not feel well, tell a parent or guardian right away. They may give you medicine. They will know if you need to go to a doctor.

Some medicines keep you from getting sick.

Lesson 2 - Take Medicine Safely

Medicines help you get or stay well. But you must take them the right way. Remember these safety fules when you take medicine.

Your age and size show how much medicine you should take.

Medicines can have side effects. A side effect is an unwanted feeling or illness because of taking a medicine. You might feel dizzy or have an upset stomach. Tell your parent or guardian if you have side effects.

Lesson 3 - Store Medicines Safely

The best place to keep medicine is a cool, dry place that children cannot reach. If you have younger brothers or sisters, your parent or guardian may lock up the medicine. An adult should put medicine away in a high place.

Why should medicines by stored in a high place?

Never take the label off a medicine bottle. The label gives that answers to questions like these.

Some medicines have to be kept cold.

Lesson 4 - Alcohol

Alcohol is a drug found in some drinks. A drug is something that changes the way your mind or body works. Alcohol slows down your body. It changes how you think, speak, and feel. You might make unwise decisions.

Alcohol can also harem your liver, heart, blood vessels, and stomach. Drinking alcohol can slow your growth.

Stay away from alcohol so your bones and muscles will grow properly.

Some people drink alcohol so much that it becomes a habit. A habit is something you do over and over. A person with a drinking habit may drink alcohol at times they should not. They may not know how much alcohol they are drinking. When drinking alcohol becomes a habit, it is hard to stop.

Choose healthful drinks instead of alcohol.

Lesson 5 - Help With Alcohol Problems

Some people drink too much alcohol. this may make them act differently. They may use bad words, fight, or get angry. They may forget things.

People who have a problem with alcohol do not always know they have a problem.

If you knew someone with a problem with alcohol you might feel sad, angry, or afraid. It is never your fault when someone else has a problem with alcohol.

Talk to a trusted adult if you are worried.

There are people who can help. Talk to a trusted adult. It might be a parent or guardian, a school nurse, or a doctor. S/he may be able to get help for the person who has a problem with alcohol.

Lesson 6 - Tobacco Harms Health

Tobacco is a plant that has harmful drugs in it. Using tobacco is a hard habit to stop. Tobacco may be smoked, sniffed, or chewed.

Tobacco harms your body. It makes your heart work too hard. You get tired more easily. Tobacco harms the lungs. You might have trouble breathing.

To stay healthy, be active. Don't smoke.

Secondhand smoke is smoke from other people's tobacco. Secondhand smoke harms the heart and lungs. I tcan make you cough and sneeze. Your eyes might sting. Stay away from secondhand smoke.

Smoking is not allowed in many buildings. How does this protect people's health?

Lesson 7 - Be Drug-Free

Marijuana is a drug that is against the law. It makes it hard to remember things. Other harmful drugs make your heart stop working.

People who use harmful drugs may not be able to do their jobs. They can't help make their community better.

Health helper in  your community can help you stay away from drugs.

Being drug-free means saying "no" to harmful drugs. It means staying away from people who use them. Being drug-free shows good character. You show you are trustworthy. You follow rules and laws. You follow your family's guidelines. Whe you are drug-free you can respect yourself and others. You care about yoru health and want to be safe.

Lesson 8 - Staying Drug-Free

Lesson 9 - Learning Life Skills