Dealing With Adolescence

HEALTH EDUCATION (5) - Growing Up Healthy - Week 10/10

HPE Lesson Plans - Health - KHE, 1HE, 2HE, 3HE, 4HE, 5HE

Safety | Mental, Social & Emotional Health | Substance Abuse & Disease Prevention | Growing Up Healthy


L1: Your Digestive System| L2: Food - Nutrients for the Body | L3: MyPlate | L4: Influences on Your Food Choices | L5: Food Labels & Advertising | L6: Changing Families, Changing Roles| L7: Communication in Families | L8: Growth Comes in Stages | L9: Growth, Heredity, and the Endocrine System | L10: Dealing with Adolescence | EXTRA: Choices You Make Affect Growth

Growing UP Healthy

Dealing with Adolescence

See below for the following:

Standard(s), Essential Question(s), Big Idea(s)


I will identify the kinds of changes that families experience.

I will describe how children's responsibilities change as they mature.




concrete thinking - solving problems involving real objects that you can see and touch / putting together a jigsaw puzzle and sorting blocks are activities that require concrete thinking

abstract thinking - a more complex kind of thinking where you use your mind to imagine different solutions to problems / you can see that some problems may have more than one solution / identify a problem, think about possible solutions, and test those solutions inside your own mind / you can handle more difficult problems and you can share your opinions and ideas with others

OPENING (Engage)

Main Idea

Physical, mental, and emotional changes accompany the growth spurt during puberty.

Why Learn This?

Knowing about the mental, physical, and emotional changes that happen during puberty will help you appreciate your unique growth and development.

WORK PERIOD (Explore/Explain/Extend/Elaborate)

READ: Dealing with Adolescence

People around you can certainly tell that your body is starting a growth spurt. They probably mention it all the time. As you enter puberty, people will also notice evidence of your mental growth. Your brainpower increases as you begin to make the change from childhood to adulthood.

What new skills am I learning?

The growth spurt you experience in puberty affects your entire body. The development of new cells and the actions of hormones increase your ability to reason, solve problems, imagine, and invent.

The process of learning means adding new ideas, dreams, and opinions to what you already know. At this stage in your life, you may find your interests changing often. For the first time you may become interested in space travel, marine animals, chess, or learning to play a musical instrument. Your new interests open doors to new friends, new activities, and new ideas.

As you follow your interests, you add to your abilities and knowledge. At this stage you are also able to understand the value of practice in sports, schoolwork, and music. As your skills increase from practice, so does your self-confidence.

During puberty you bring new ways of thinking to your activities. When you were younger, you thought in concrete terms. In concrete thinking you solve problems involving real objects that you can see and touch. Putting together a jigsaw puzzle and sorting blocks are activities that require concrete thinking.

Now you can use a more complex kind of thinking called abstract thinking. In abstract thinking you use your mind to imagine different solutions to problems. Now you can look at ideas and problems in different ways. You can see that some problems may have more than one solution.

Your problem-solving skills are stronger because you can identify a problem, think about possible solutions, and test those solutions inside your own mind. Using this abstract process, you can handle more difficult problems and you can share your opinions and ideas with others.


To help you solve problems, you:

How can I handle feelings and problems?

As you enter puberty, your feelings change in ways that can be both exciting and difficult. It's all part of developing the complex emotions of an adult. Feelings you never felt before suddenly appear. Along with them come new opportunities and new problems to solve.

It's not unusual to find yourself dealing with new personal problems at this time in your life. You may question who your real friends are and what you want in a friend. In your family you may want more independence. You also may have new responsibilities as you grow from a child to an adolescent. In working through these challenges, you care very much about fairness and honesty. You struggle with ideas about what is right and what is wrong.

Solving personal problems can require a great deal of effort and attention. During puberty you learn how to reason your way through new situations and consider the many choices you have for solving problems. You learn that you have many options and that your choices bring both responsibilities and consequences. You learn how to make a decision after carefully weighing many different possibilities.

Puberty is also a time when people often develop strong opinions about everything from family rules to school grading systems. You may feel strongly about the things that affect your life and the lives of your family and friends.

Your moods may change often and quickly. You sometimes feel as if you're riding an emotional roller coaster. You may feel happy one minute and sad the next. At this time of rapid physical, emotional, and mental growth, your feelings may be stronger than ever before.

As you learn to manage these emotional changes, you will need time to rest and time to be alone with your thoughts. Talking about your feelings and problems with parents, counselors, religious leaders, doctors, and other trusted adults can also be helpful.

Road to Maturity

REMEMBER...Physical, mental, and emotional changes accompany the growth spurt during puberty. Knowing about the mental, physical, and emotional changes that happen during puberty will help you appreciate your unique growth and development.

CLOSING (Evaluate)


HE5.1a - recognize the relationship between healthy behaviors and disease prevention

HE5.1b - describe and apply the basic personal health concepts of healthy eating and physical activity

HE5.1c - describe and apply the basic health concept of mental and emotional well-being

HE5.1d - describe and apply the basic health concept of personal hygiene and safety

HE5.1e - distinguish the short and long-term physical effects of use and/or misuse of substances

HE5.1f - identify trusted adults and when it might be important to seek health care or emergency help for themselves or others

HE5.1g - identify the changes that occur during puberty

HE5.1h - distinguish between tattling, reporting aggression, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence (physical and/or sexual) and how to report these instances

HE5.1i - identify strategies to avoid physical fighting and violence

HE5.2a - evaluate the influence of family and peers on personal health behaviors and decisions

HE5.2b - describe how the school and community can support personal health practices and behaviors

HE5.2c - explain how media/technology influences thoughts, feelings, and health behaviors

HE5.3a - identify characteristics of valid health information, products, and services

HE5.3b - access resources from home, school, and community that provide valid health information

HE5.3c - assess the characteristics of valid health information, products, and services

HE5.4a - apply effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance health

HE5.4b - model effective nonviolent strategies to manage or resolve conflicts

HE5.4c - demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance personal health and the health of others

HE5.5a - identify health-related situations that might require a thoughtful decision

HE5.5b - list healthy options and possible consequences to a health-related issue or problem

HE5.5c - predict the potential outcomes of each option when making a health-related decision

HE5.5d - analyze when assistance is needed in making a health-related decision

HE5.5e - choose a healthy option when making a decision

HE5.5f - describe the outcomes of a health-related decision

HE5.6a - set a personal health goal and track progress toward its achievement

HE5.6b - identify and utilize resources to assist in achieving a personal health goal

HE5.7a - practice responsible personal health choices

HE5.7b - demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors to preserve or enhance personal health

HE5.7c - model a variety of behaviors that prevent or decrease health risks to self and/or others

HE5.8a - review accurate information and develop an opinion about a health issue

HE5.8b - advocate for positive health choices

Essential Question(s)

Big Idea(s)


DCSD Board-Approved Instruction Materials
