HEALTH EDUCATION (5) - Growing Up Healthy - EXTRA

HPE Lesson Plans - Health - KHE, 1HE, 2HE, 3HE, 4HE, 5HE

Safety | Mental, Social & Emotional Health | Substance Abuse & Disease Prevention | Growing Up Healthy


L1: Your Digestive System| L2: Food - Nutrients for the Body | L3: MyPlate | L4: Influences on Your Food Choices | L5: Food Labels & Advertising | L6: Changing Families, Changing Roles| L7: Communication in Families | L8: Growth Comes in Stages | L9: Growth, Heredity, and the Endocrine System | L10: Dealing with Adolescence 

EXTRA - Assessment

EXTRA: Choices You Make Affect Growth

Growing UP Healthy

Unit 5 Assessment

See below for the following:

Standard(s), Essential Question(s), Big Idea(s)




OPENING (Engage) -  Main Idea  |  Why Learn This?


HE5.1a - recognize the relationship between healthy behaviors and disease prevention

HE5.1b - describe and apply the basic personal health concepts of healthy eating and physical activity

HE5.1c - describe and apply the basic health concept of mental and emotional well-being

HE5.1d - describe and apply the basic health concept of personal hygiene and safety

HE5.1e - distinguish the short and long-term physical effects of use and/or misuse of substances

HE5.1f - identify trusted adults and when it might be important to seek health care or emergency help for themselves or others

HE5.1g - identify the changes that occur during puberty

HE5.1h - distinguish between tattling, reporting aggression, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence (physical and/or sexual) and how to report these instances

HE5.1i - identify strategies to avoid physical fighting and violence

HE5.2a - evaluate the influence of family and peers on personal health behaviors and decisions

HE5.2b - describe how the school and community can support personal health practices and behaviors

HE5.2c - explain how media/technology influences thoughts, feelings, and health behaviors

HE5.3a - identify characteristics of valid health information, products, and services

HE5.3b - access resources from home, school, and community that provide valid health information

HE5.3c - assess the characteristics of valid health information, products, and services

HE5.4a - apply effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance health

HE5.4b - model effective nonviolent strategies to manage or resolve conflicts

HE5.4c - demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance personal health and the health of others

HE5.5a - identify health-related situations that might require a thoughtful decision

HE5.5b - list healthy options and possible consequences to a health-related issue or problem

HE5.5c - predict the potential outcomes of each option when making a health-related decision

HE5.5d - analyze when assistance is needed in making a health-related decision

HE5.5e - choose a healthy option when making a decision

HE5.5f - describe the outcomes of a health-related decision

HE5.6a - set a personal health goal and track progress toward its achievement

HE5.6b - identify and utilize resources to assist in achieving a personal health goal

HE5.7a - practice responsible personal health choices

HE5.7b - demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors to preserve or enhance personal health

HE5.7c - model a variety of behaviors that prevent or decrease health risks to self and/or others

HE5.8a - review accurate information and develop an opinion about a health issue

HE5.8b - advocate for positive health choices

Essential Question(s)

Big Idea(s)


Lesson 1

I will recognize that medicines are drugs that help the body.

I will distinguish between prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

Lesson 2

I will recognize that some common substances, such as caffeine and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, can be addictive.

I will describe the harmful effects of caffeine and inhalants.

Lesson 3

I will recognize that some common substances, such as caffeine and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, can be addictive.

I will describe the harmful effects of caffeine and inhalants.

Lesson 4

I will describe alcohol and the harm it causes to body systems and behavior.

I will identify some effects of problem drinking.

Lesson 5

I will describe laws regarding alcohol and tobacco purchase and use by minors.

I will demonstrate strategies for refusing the use of alcohol and tobacco.

I will recognize truths behind misleading tobacco and alcohol advertising.




addiction - the constant need or craving that makes a person use a drug even when s/he knows it is harmful

alcohol - a drug found in drinks such as beer and wine and in liquors such as vodka, gin, rum, and brandy

alcoholism - a disease in which a person is addicted to alcohol and cannot stop drinking without help

alcoholic - a person who suffers from the disease of alcoholism

blood alcohol level (BAL) - the amount of alcohol in a person's blood

caffeine - a drug found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and some soft drinks

cirrhosis - a liver disease that results from drinking too much alcohol

dose - the correct amount of the medicine that you should take every time you use it

drug - a substance other than food that changes the way the body works (all medicines are drugs, but NOT all drugs are medicines)

environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) - also known as second-hand smoke, ETS can cause the same diseases in nonsmokers as smokers. ETS comes from burning cigarettes, pipes, or cigars and from smoke that is breathed out be smokers.

expiration date - tells you how long it is safe to take the medicine / medicine should not be used after this date

inhalants - substances containing dangerous poisons that give off fumes that when breathed in can cause brain damage, severe illness, and even death

intoxicated - being strongly affected by alcohol

medicine - a drug used to treat or cure a health problem

nicotine - a highly addictive substance that speeds up the nervous system. Being addicted to nicotine means that it is hare stop using it.

over-the-counter medicines - medicines adults can buy without prescriptions (also known as OTC medicines)

peer pressure - being influenced by friends to do something

pharmacists - people trained to prepare medicines

prescription - a doctor's order for a medicine (it has information such as the name of the medicine, how much you should take, and how often you should take it)

prescription medicines - medicines that an adult can buy only with a doctor's order (each prescription medicine is meant for just one person / never take another person's prescription medicine as this can be dangerous to your health)

side effects - unwanted changes in the body caused by a medicine (e.g. adult take aspirin to relieve pain or reduce fever, but a possible side effect of aspirin is an irritated or upset stomach)

tar - a dark, sticky material that coats the lungs and air passages of smokers. Tar buildup makes it hard for a smoker to breathe.

tobacco - the shredded brown material in cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, and chewing tobacco that comes from the tobacco plant. All forms of tobacco contain an addictive chemical called nicotine.

OPENING (Engage)

Main Idea

Lesson 1

Medicines can be helpful if they are used properly.

Lesson 2

Common household products and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can be harmful if they are misused.

Lesson 3

Tobacco/nicotine products contain many substances that harm the body.

Lesson 4

Alcohol is an addictive drug that can harm the body and mind.

Lesson 5

Knowing the facts about alcohol and tobacco can help prepare you to refuse them.

Why Learn This?

Lesson 1

Learning to use medicines safely will help you stay healthy.

Lesson 2

If you learn about the dangers of common substances, you are more likely to not misuse or abuse them, and unlikely to be harmed by them.

Lesson 3

Understanding that tobacco is a harmful drug can help you refuse to use it.

Lesson 4

Knowing the dangers of alcohol can help you refuse to use it.

Lesson 5

Saying no to alcohol and tobacco can help keep you safe and healthy.

WORK PERIOD (Explore/Explain/Extend/Elaborate)

Quick Review Before Assessment

CLOSING (Evaluate)


DCSD Board-Approved Instruction Materials
