Field day

Health & Physical Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District

Field Day


Students come together:


Fri 05/01/2025 (raindate: Fri 05/09/2025)

Spirit Week

April 28-May 02, 2025 - Theme TBD

MONDAY - April 28 - TBD
TUESDAY - April 29 - TBD
WEDNESDAY - April 30 - TBD
THURSDAY - May 01 - wear your favorite retro Field Day or OGE t-shirt
FRIDAY - May 02 - wear your 2025 Field Day t-shirt

Parents - A Few Reminders...

These items were not part of the any other orders, so students will need cash to participate.

Please obey "no parking" signs on streets and be courteous to our neighbors. Make note of "no parking" signs on streets. Remember to send your child(ren) with an extra change of clothes because they will likely get wet.

Parents Volunteer

Click here to volunteer for this year's Field Day! We need many volunteers to make the day happen. Sign up to volunteer through "Sign up Genius" website.

Teachers Volunteer for Squirt-A-Teacher
Click here - Please help us raise money for our Zero Waste Initiative by volunteering for Squirt-A-Teacher!  The kids love it and it's for a great cause. Last year we raised over $2500 but WE NEED YOU!  The weather is expected to be in the 80s and we'll be sure to use warm water too.  Ponchos and safety glasses will be provided, but really a change of clothes is your best bet!

Grab a time slot on the signup below. Sign up with your team!  It's FUN!


Thanks to Tom Sapp of Tom Sapp Mascot Design for all of our wonderful Field Day logos!

Field Day Activities, Map, Descriptions
Field Day & Spirit Week Flyer
Field Day Schedule
Fundraising Sheet - Teachers