Character Ed

Health & Physical Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District

Character Education Traits - Monthly

AUGUST - School Pride

is essential when building positive school climate. Students have SCHOOL PRIDE when they feel accepted by faculty and peers and are fully integrated into the fabric of the school.

SEPTEMBER - Self Control (Be Responsible)

is the ability to exercise restraint or control over one's feelings, emotions, reactions

OCTOBER - Courage

is the confidence to act in accordance with one's beliefs

NOVEMBER - Citizenship (Be A Good Citizen)

is the state of being a citizen or member of a particular community and how the individual behaves as a member of society

DECEMBER - Compassion (Be Caring)

is a feeling of distress for the suffering or misfortune of another coupled with the desire to alleviate it

JANUARY - Respect for Others (Show Respect)

is demonstrated by accepting differences and assuming good will in all interactions

FEBRUARY - Fairness (Be Fair)

is exhibiting a disposition that is free of favoritism or bias

MARCH - Honesty (Be Trustworthy)

is acting with integrity by being truthful and sincere

APRIL - Self-Respect (Show Respect & Be Responsible)

is the sense of one's own dignity and integrity by demonstrating respect for oneself, one's character, and one's conduct

MAY - Perseverance

is the continued steady belief or efforts that withstand discouragement or difficulty