Junk Food

Health Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District

Junk Food

What Is Junk Food?

  • Junk food is a nickname for unhealthy food. These foods give you energy, but they have few vitamins and minerals. Junk foods are not good for you.

What Is In Junk Food?

  • Many junk foods have added sugar.

Others are high in fat or salt. Candy

has a lot of sugar. Cookies and

donuts have high amounts of sugar

and fat. Potato chips are very salty.

They also have a lot of fat.

Fast Food

  • Many fast foods are junk foods.

Fast foods are often deep fried

and have unhealthy fats.

French fries and chicken nuggets

are junk foods. They have lots

of salt. Soda is full of sugar and

is commonly sold with junk food.

It has no vitamins or minerals.

Eating Junk Food

  • Eating junk food sometimes is OK.

But eating it every day is not

healthy. Having cake at a

birthday party is fine. Eating

sweetened cereal every morning

can be unhealthy. It gives your

body too much sugar. Too much

junk food can make you feel sick.

Foods To Eat Instead

  • There are healthy, tasty foods

you can eat instead of junk food.

Instead of candy, eat grapes or

a cheese stick. Drink milk in place

of soda. Skip the chips. Munch

popcorn or baby carrots.

Healthy foods have nutrients your

body needs. They help you grow.

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