
Health Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District


What Is Fat?

  • Fat is a nutrient in foods. It gives you energy. Fats help your body grow. They also keep your brain healthy. Fats help your body absorb vitamins.


  • Oils are liquid fats.

Most oils come from plants.

Olive oil comes from olive trees.

Corn oil and peanut oil

also come from plants.

Many foods can be cooked

in oil. Oils are also used

to make salad dressing.

Foods With Fats

  • Fats are found in many foods.

Nuts, seeds, olives, and avocados

have fat. There is also fat in

meats and fish. Dairy foods

have fat as well.

Types of Fat

There are three main types of fats.

  • Unsaturated fats are found in foods

such as olives, avocados, and

peanuts. Cheese, meat, and

butter often have high amounts of

saturated fat. Trans fats are often

found in fried or baked goods.

All food has different amounts

of these fats.

How Much Fat Should You Eat?

  • Kids need four servings of fat

each day. One ounce (28 grams)

of nuts is a serving. So is a

tablespoon of olive oil.

Spread avocado on toast.

Eat a piece of string cheese.

Eat a tuna sandwich. Fats help

your body stay healthy.

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