
Health Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District


What Is Dairy?

  • Dairy foods are made from milk. Yogurt and cheese are dairy foods. So is cottage cheese. Pudding and ice cream are dairy desserts.

Nutrients In Dairy

  • Milk has many nutrients.

Protein helps build

muscle and tissue.

Milk also has natural sugar.

It gives you energy.

Fat In Dairy

  • Fat is in most types of milk.

It gives you energy. Whole milk

is creamy. It has the most fat.

Cheese also has a lot of fat.

It keeps your brain healthy.

Low-fat milk has less fat.

Skim milk has no fat.


  • Dairy foods have calcium.

Calcium is a mineral. It makes

your bones and teeth strong.

Vitamin D is added to milk.

It helps calcium make

healthy bones.

How Much Dairy Do You Need?

  • Kids need three servings of dairy

every day. A cup of milk or yogurt

is a serving. Drink milk with meals.

Scoop up some yogurt. Eat cheese

with fruit. Dairy foods give your

body vitamins and nutrients.

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