Time Capsules

Cropped Self

5.75" x 4.5"

Graphite on drawing paper

My Hand

9" x 12"

Graphite on drawing paper

Something I depend on

9" x 12"

Graphite on drawing paper

Artist Statement

2 of the 3 things we had to sketch were self-explanatory, but the one that was something I depend on took a little thinking until I finally settled on music.

I created all of these pieces on drawing paper using graphite.

The only piece I had much of a process for was something I depend on. I wanted to do something simple like my bed or water, but as I got to thinking more, I was thinking about something that I am always doing, and realized that I am always listening to music. Music is a huge part of my life that helps me through a lot and I thought it would be perfect for this piece.