Texture and Pattern

Photographer's Statement

I shot this assignment in two parts the first being at school in class with my phone, and the second part was in downtown Portland with my camera. It was kind of a disgusting day to be out and about because it kept raining and then stopping the whole afternoon, but it was also super foggy. Meaning it was great for photography, because the sky had already diffused itself and gave the most perfect smokey haze over the pictures. I took only about a dozen pictures in Portland but all the ones I took I liked, and none of the ones that are obviously not Freeport High School have been edited and I'm pretty pleased at how perfect I got the settings. I looked mostly for patterns all day, and I realized how much I enjoy and regularly shoot patterns. They were pretty easy to find in a city, and I probably could have found way more. Once I was done I uploaded them to my computer and I cropped it so the frames are mostly just the pattern.

I think my favorite of the pictures is the big one with the courthouse reflected in the glass. I really like the way it came out all distorted and reflection-ey. But I also really like the picture of the tree in the bottom left and it reminds me of Tokyo for some weird reason as I have never been there or even set foot in Japan. Like I said there wasn't much editing that went into any of the photos shot in Portland because my setting on my camera were so on, so I'm really psyched with that.