Photo edits

Artist Statement

During this assignment we went outside as a class and took pictures around the school with our phones. It was a grey dreary day and because I just had my phone the pictures aren't exactly the best I've ever taken and we had to work through our checklist that was the rules of composition. I took a couple dozen pictures and picked 3 to edit. I'm not sure these were my 3 favorite but I didn't really like any of my pictures. Once I had picked three I duplicated them into another group of three, so each separate picture has 2 identical clones that I edited. There was no real process to editing and I just played around with the sliders.I think My favorite of the pictures is the security camera photo or photo number 2 because its kind of unique. I also take a lot of urban pictures in Boston, Portland and New York (mostly Portland) and this reminds me of those and shares similar attributes. I didn't really love any of the edits I made on it but there was none that I hated or had a real problem with. I wish the sky had been blue or there was more defined clouds behind the camera however my favorite edit is the 3rd one.

Photo 1 - Repetition & Grouping

Photo 2 - Close Distance

Photo 3 - Rule of Thirds