Beautiful Oops


"Frog Jumping into pool under Chili Tree"

Frog Jumping into pool under Chili Tree

I had to really think about what I was going to do with my ink blob, and it took me a little while to come up with an idea. I turned the paper several times but decided that it looked most like a chili pepper, so that's what I went with. I really like bonsai trees and I didn't know what chili peppers grow on, so instead of making it realistic and being wrong, I decided to make up how they grow completely. I also like the plates or bowls that bonsai trees grow in and I wanted to something with that. I had just recently seen a picture of David Hockney's "The Splash," so I was inspired by that and to give the picture some scale I thought it would be cool to do a frog instead of a person. I started out using just black felt tip pen but after I was done with the tree, I switched to acrylic paint to do the leaves, frog water and plate that the tree was growing in.