
Artist Statement

a gohst eating a pretzal drinking strawberry milk.

water color, felt pen, sharpie

7" x 7.5"

This project was really fun to do. This project is always kind of hard to visualize of how its going to look in the end, and no matter what I do it always kind of looks like a kids illustration. I didn't like the idea of the same ghost eating a pretzel and drinking strawberry milk at the same time, so I decided to add a second ghost. I played with that idea and how to have two ghosts at a ghost diner or something but decided to hide the second ghost on the strawberry milk container. I drew it out and then used water color to paint it, finally I outlined it in sharpie felt pen. I blended all my colors in an ugly rainbow at the bottom to get a feel for how they would look.

I really like this piece compared to my other WatchamaDrawit, even though I didn't really draw this one. My favorite part of it is the milk container. The milk container is wicked random and doesn't make a lot of sense, but I really like the weirdness. I was inspired by old school missing signs on milk containers. My least favorite part is the pretzel and the amount of spelling mistakes I have in the caption, I wanted this to look much more sophisticated and have the pretzel more accentuated. But instead it just looked kind of awkward, as for the spelling mistakes... its on purpose for a more artistic feel. ;)

I created this piece after drawing both a thumbnail sketch and a more completed and final draft sketch, however the piece differs from both of them. I created it on Blick painting paper, which is one of my favorite things to work on. Then I sketched out my idea and painted it.
