Style 8


This piece was very gratifying to make. It is radically different from other paintings I have made to date, but I would like to continue with this style and process because it was very fun. First I drew a picture of a flamingo and shrimp, than I simplified the forms into flat shapes. Finally I re-arranged those shapes into a composition where you could only sort of tell that it was a shrimp and a flamingo. Then I had fun painting the piece on a cardboard scrap. I used a combination of brush techniques to create this piece, the  dark blue aspects are super dry brushes, where as the black outline is quite watered down. To finish it off I covered the piece in my favorite glossy finish because I wanted it to look edible like candy. Maybe enticing is the better word.


This is heavily inspired by Fernard Leger Jr's personal style of cubism. It has the same black outlines as seen in Picasso's cubism but is much softer with very few hard angles and corners. I wanted the flamingo and shrimp to be discernable but only barely. The green checkboard in the bottom is supposed to be a picnic blanket inferring that the shrimp thinks it's on a picnic but the flamingo is going to eat the shrimp.