Building Investigation 8

Centre Point Tower

Artist Statement

Centre Point Tower

acrylic paint, micron pens, graphite

15"x 18 1/2"

The Centre Point Tower piece was the eighth sustained investigation of a series of 15 and I chose to "investigate" buildings from my childhood in Sydney that held meaning to me. The Centre Point Tower is one of the iconic buildings of the Syndey skyline, however, it regularly gets overlooked for Sydney's more impressive architecture (the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge) standing mere blocks away. I loved the Centre Point tower and it was the only recognizable building we could see from our house.

If you look at the Sydney Skyline, oddly the Centre Point Tower stands kind of by itself in the clouds, and in this piece, I really wanted to capture that majestic lonely quality that the tower has to it. The tower's colors also contrast heavily with the greyish blues of Sydney's maritime sky as it has an almost orangey gold color to it.

I procrastinated the hell out of this project too partially because I was nervous on making a bigger piece because I usually create small art, my last big project failed as it just didn't look good. So the motivation for this one just wasn't there. However, I'm really pleased with how this turned out and I hope to create more big art. I used acrylic paint and often watered it down in the clouds and the windows to create a better texture for me to paint with.