Multimedia drawing



This assignment was all about working on our skills with charcoal or ink. In the first assignment we looked through our pictures and found a picture that we had taken. I chose a picture that I took a couple summers ago of a kiteboarder I met at the beach. Then we printed the picture and drew a grid on both the picture and the paper. We were instructed to work on our shading values and using darker or lighter colors to show depth. We then took the picture and sort of transferred the picture to our paper using our newly obtained skills. After that we took the paper and erased the grid. I used white charcoal pencils and black charcoal for the whole piece. I also used charcoal erasers, chemys and tortillions.

This assignments was all about value. As they value is the only way this piece was created. Value was 100% of this piece. As I only used two colors this made it important to use value other wise you wouldn't beable to tell one part from another. Another big aspect was shape. If the original shape of an aspect wasn't to scale than it would offset the whole drawing.

A big challenge was getting the value right. I redid my the man's head several times to try and make it look more normal. But he always had hair that was to dark and a head to pale. In the end I think it turned out pretty good. I am most proud of the board in the drawing because I think that is the most realistic part.