Selective Color Project

Artist Statement

I have always wanted to learn how to use photoshop, and I'm super psyched that I'm finally learning how to. I really struggled with this project at the beginning but once I got the hang of it I would just use the quick select with everything and then I would just inverse selection and chuck on a gradient map. It wasn't too hard and I'm pleased with the results. I still feel like there is so so so much to learn on photoshop, but I feel like an AI; I get smarter with the general technology the longer and more I use it. None of my pictures were super filled with color, there was a lot of shades of brown, red and orange but I think I did a good job overall, and the edits looks super clean.

One of my favorite pictures is still the theme one and even though there are multiple colors selected in that image, all of the colors are leather and I think it highlighted the theme idea even more. I also like the one of my sister with our dogs, and that was the last photo I edited, and I was pretty good at that point. I don't really like the soccer ball one because it is kind of simple and boring but oh well. Win some, lose some.