Designing Abstraction

"One Mirror"

Artist Statement

This project was really tricky, for some reason it took me so long to get inspired off of any of my grids. I also am not much of an abstract artist, it is not really the style of work that I like nor is it the kind of work that I like to look at. So I really struggled in the beginning. To be honest I'm sure If the struggling in this work ever left because I still don't love how it came out. I was really inspired by James Turrell while I was making the grids, so I decided to do something like his work, that works with circles and shades of different colors. I started off on a piece of paper and just made circles with blue watercolor paint, after the circles I took acrylic and painted a frame around the part that I wanted to keep. After the frame I cut it out and put it on a paper with lines going in all directions that I had painted with acrylic paint. Overall the whole project was unplanned and I'm not sure if it is desired either.

I'm really not sure if I am proud of this or not. I feel like it was a very good idea and super unique however I don't think I really came through and produced with a cool unique piece of art. I really like the frame around the circles however even that I feel like looks rushed and it is just not my best work. The lines also look really cool except I didn't plan very well with them and the mirror just covers most of it.

I created this piece on paper that wasn't meant for acrylic paint or water colors so that was just more bad planning by me. I don't feel like it represents me at all because it is fairly abstract and I'm not really a big abstract guy. The wrinkles in the mirror are also frustrating because I can't get them out, I took a flattening iron to the mirror for a few minutes at a time and nothing changed. I definitely would like to try redoing this project with a canvas and maybe acrylic paint for the whole thing because I don't like how unpredictable water color is, and I did myself dirty by not using the proper papers.

The gold frame that inspired me around Salvador Dali's "The Persistence of Memory," as well as some of the boxes from my matrix that inspired me and some works of James Turrell.