Personal Identity Triptych

Personal Triptych

Mr. Willett Triptych

Gabe Triptych

For this assignment we did one tryptrich in class and and had to complete 2 others. I do not like taking pictures of myself but I did my best when it came to composing the final product. I chose to use Gabe and Mr. Willett as my models for the other 2 triptychs. I initially took 3 pictures in order to focus on more details between the subjects heads, hands, and legs/feet. I then added them into the 3 sections as I saw fit. I always struggle with photoshop and definitely did with this assignment as well. I feel like the 3rd picture on Mr. Willetts image could have been better but I didn't want to crop out the Dunkin cup since I wanted it in all 3 images. I initially wanted him to kick the cup (just pretend to) but he may have thought I was being serious. I like the way Gabe's image focuses more on details as opposed to the whole body. I like that the personal one has my hands in the second 2 images. I thought this just looked cool and brought the images together.Â