


Tortoise final edit



Dad final edit

For this assignment, we were supposed to take 2 images and edit them so that the subject (person or animal) is missing something whether it be part of their clothing or body.  For the dad edit I chose to put him behind the chair because it was a cool design and seemed like something that could look unique. He was very willing to be my model and it was hard to get pictures of him because he kept moving around and making funny faces. The picture I did end up choosing showed the most of his face which would make the image look less weird when I edited part of him out. The tortoise edit was also a little difficult because he was also moving around and not staying still when I took the pictures. I made it work and the cage was the smallest thing with sections I could find that would cross over different parts of his body. I think the one with my dad is my favorite because of his facial expression but also because of the way he was positioned behind the chair. It allowed him to look more edited than the tortoise because of the way the "grid" was set up. I think this made for a better overall composition. If I were to do this assignment again I would lower my camera angle a little so that different parts of the tortoise were showing in between the cage bars. I think this would have made the image look less subtle and weird than my final piece came out however, it was difficult to get the camera lower since that was as low as my tripod went. Maybe I could try elevating the cage instead of lowering the camera.