Color Design

For this project, I used some of my previous art for inspiration. I have made pieces where you tape squares around the canvas and paint in between the squares. I decided to do the same sort of idea just without the tape. I divided it into squares and had one color for each square to create my piece. This project relates to my life because it was hard at first but got easier the more I practiced. For example, it was hard to match the colors at first like with my color strip but it got easier as a moved onto the actual color design project.

For this project, I used a few different materials to create. I used a 12x15 inch piece of canvas to create my project on. I also used a ruler, acrylic paints, paint pens, a pencil, and tape.

To start I used a pencil to draw 12 different sized squares across the canvas. Then I used the ruler and pencil to draw a 1-inch border around the canvas (I put tape over the border to keep it white). I then divided each of the triangles into 7 sections 3 for tones 3 for tints and 1 for the original color. After that started mixing the different color referencing my color wheel to create the 12 different colors with their tones and tints. I went over everything twice so that there were 2 coats. That makes a more pure color and prevents you from seeing the canvas underneath. After that, I went over some of the edges with different colored paint pens to make a more clean-cut edge. Then I took the tape off of the canvas once everything had dried and called it good. In the future, if I were to do this project again I would try to do a better job with having “clean” lines for all of my triangles so that I wouldn’t have to use the paint pens.