Digital Compositions

Informal Balance


Selective Focus

Far distance

Leading lines

Angle down

Rule of Thirds

Soft Focus


Low horizon line

High horizon line

Formal Balance

High Key Lighting

Low Key Lighting

Angle Up

Close Distance


For this assignment we were tasked with finding one image for each of the 17 compositions and edit it one way. We needed to include the different things that we changed about the image to familiarize ourselves with the different things we could adjust to enhance.

To complete this assignment we took pictures on our phones or cameras and uploaded them to our laptops. We then played around with the different features to change different things until the image was where we wanted it to be. After that we uploaded the before, the after, and the things we changed to our photography 1 digital portfolios and hit publish.

I was drawn to images that had to do with rain and light (specifically the sunset/sunrise). I tried my hardest to get all of the different compositions but found some easier than others. If I were to do this assignment again I would try to focus more on the compositions I am struggling with first to better grasp the ideas. My favorite image is the far distance one because of the lighting and it just really draws my attention.