Overlays/Words and Images


The Three Stooges

This was an in class assignment that we did to familiarize ourselves with blending different images together. I did a different image blend before this but didn't like it because there was too much going on. With this in mind, I decided to pick a picture that I lived and focus on the background changing more than the actual image. To accomplish this I had the image of the girls as the first picture and the sunset image as the second picture when blending in photoshop. This made it so that you could still see the girls and it wasn't overtaken by the background image.

The Three Stooges Originals

Words and Images


These images go together because the photo on the left is high-key lighting which tends to be brighter and the title of the book is "As Bright As Heaven. This image is named Philadelphia because the image and setting of the book take place in Philadelphia.

The Grinch

These images go together because in the image on the left it was very sunny and bright out so the title "The Sun Is Also A Star" goes well with it. It is titled the Grinch because the pants I was wearing have the Grinch on them if you look closely.


The images go together because the picture on the right is my dad renovating a bathroom (hence the title "Renovation") and the one on the right is the blueprint for a building which is in the same category as the first image.


These images go together because the image on the left is the outfit Mrs. Abbott wears when she teaches radicals and the image on the right is something that we did in math class. The title is Ninja because she is dressed as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.


These images go together because the picture on the left (Gabe) was taken in science class and the one on the right is some of my science notes. The image is also green because science makes me sick and the color green is often associated with science.

Artist's Statement :

For this assignment, we were tasked with finding 2 images that we thought went together and overlaying them. One image consisted of words and the other was supposed to be a portrait (an image of a person or animal). We then used photoshop and did file<scripts<load files into stack and changed the section under layers that said normal to the other options to find one we liked the best. We were then able to use different tools such as the eraser, the quick select tool, and the brush tool to manipulate the image until it got to where we wanted it to be. I found that if there was a complex pattern other than the words on the book title that it overpowered the image when layered and made it hard to see the portrait underneath it. I had a hard time with cropping the images for some reason it never seemed to work out the way that I hoped (I figured it out eventually). To find images that related to each other I tried to match some component, activity, or event in the portraits to the words in the second image. The images I created are in order from my most favorite to my least favorite. My favorite image is "Philadelphia because I like the way the picture on the book cover blends with the background of the portrait which I thought was really cool. If I were to do this assignment again I would try to experiment a little more with the tools to see how I can further manipulate the images.