Assemblage Sculpture

For this project I decided to create a sculpture of a jellyfish. I decided to do this with my mom because she loves jellyfish for some reason. I think she just likes the way they look but she helped me a lot. This project relates to my life because there were many different components that went into creating this and some of the materials were hard to work with but I didn't give up and did my best to create an acceptable piece.

I used various different materials to create this project. Some of these materials include a plastic bowl, newspaper, acrylic paints, thread, fabric, sea shells, a glue gun, glue sticks, tape, drill, blue fabric strips, and pipe cleaners.

To start this project I thought about incorporating "the bones, the muscles, and the skin". I made sure that I had at least 3 layers to fit this this structural idea. I used a clear plastic bowl for the "bones" and I glued the newspaper on top of the bowl for the "muscles". I then followed up with strips of cloth that I assembled in a pattern on top of the newspaper. After that I took pipe cleaners and glued them all around the bowl from the center to the bottom. I repeated this many times gluing it down with hot glue. When all the pipe cleaners were secured we made a little design out of shells from the beach to cover the pipe cleaners and to add to sort of oceanic connection. To cover up the "bottom" of the bowl we glued little rocks that almost looked like sea glass. Crumbled blue cloth was then glued to the bottom of the bowl to make the middle piece of the jellyfish. Then finally I took newspaper, rolled it up and glued it to make pasta looking pieces, painted them pink and coral, strung them on some thread, and taped them to the bottom of the jellyfish. My dad drilled a hole in the top of the jellyfish so that we could hang it and it would be easier to photograph. If I were to do this project again I would try and use a different kind of glue because the seaglass like stones did not stick onto the bowl very well and I had to keep gluing them on over and over.