

For this assignment, we were tasked with taking an image that represented our community. When I thought of this assignment I thought of work and my coworkers. This image is a picture of Liv who is my favorite coworker because of her ability to be real and honest as well as her great work ethic. It's nice to be able to work with people who also work hard because we share the workload and are always willing to help even with tasks we may not prefer. 

To make this image, I just asked Liv if she would let me take a picture of her making a sandwich and she agreed. I didn't want her to pose or know when I was taking it so it could be more candid. She also said she isn't good at straight-on pictures so it worked out for the best. I just used my iPhone for this image. 

There was a scene I wish I had captured earlier in the day where the owner and managers were trying to lift a very heavy stove up the stairs and into the back of their van. I thought it showed team building and community but I didn't think to take it because it was just so much to look at when I first got to work. It was also difficult to take images with the customers around because I didn't want it to look like I was on my phone since I was in uniform so it was sort of sneaked. I think it still came out okay though.