Color Selection



Valentines Day





For this assignment, we were tasked with taking 5 portraits that include either a person or a pet. Then we edited them to only have a certain color

To create these images we used photoshop. We started with an image and then converted it to 300 pixels/per inch and put the gradient map layer on. Then we changed it to black and white and worked on keeping only certain colors using the select tool as well as the paintbrush.

This was a lot of trial and error and I had troubles at first. After a while, I figured it out and even though it was tedious, it took a while. I tried my hardest even when I got frustrated with the App. My favorite image that I did is the one of Lucy at the Wharf. That’s the one that took me the longest to do and it had the most details in it of all the images I took. It just looked better to me and had