
Family Triptych 

For this assignment, we were tasked with creating a triptych which is an image or painting with 3 panels. I didn't connect the images together in the traditional triptych form I sort of put my own twist on it. The main idea that guided my artwork was family as that was the topic for this assignment. Images 2 & 3 were both taken with a decent camera so they came out pretty clear and with good lighting. This was a simpler time when we were able to do things as a family more often. My parents now own a business so we never really go anywhere together anymore which is unfortunate. We are both either moved out or planning to move out soon so we won't have much more time to do things before we progress with our lives. 

I created this image by taking pictures of pictures. For image 1 the picture was taken out of its glass and 2 & 3 were taken still inside the picture frame. I used photoshop to photoshop the images into various things such as the tv (image 1), another picture frame (image 2), and the shade (image 3). I just drag and dropped the images into photoshop having the bedroom be the bottom one and the others going on top of it. I then fit the images to go into various things. 

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3