Pixelated Portrait

In this project I blended different oil pastel colors together to create this pixelated portrait. I did my best to make the portrait resemble a person. This project relates to my life because it is semi clear what the image is supposed to be but at the same time it isn't. Same in my life sometimes things are very clear and other times things can be more fuzzy but in the end if you persevere things will turn out for the better and the end result will be good.

For this project I used a variety of different materials. I used a 6x9 inch piece of bristol board paper to create my artwork on. I used oil pastels to match the colors and a tortillion to blend the colors. I also used a pencil and a pen to go over my reference photo.

I started by gridding a reference photo with my pencil in 1 cm x 1 cm squares. I then gridded my bristol board in 1 cm x 1 cm squares. I then matched the colors on my reference photo then blended them together within the 1 cm area so each 1 cm area was a solid color. I then repeated until I finished my project. In the future if I were to do this project again I would work on time management and trying to get my project done faster. This project took a really long time to create and I would like to find new ways to maximize my time.