Ceramics Research

Ceramics Research - Cora Huot

For this assignment, we had to find 2 artists whose work we admired and combined the ideas of the 2 of them to create an artist-inspired piece or collection. I decided to combine the functional aspect of Osa Atoe and the colors of Kelli Sinner when creating and glazing the mug and plate.

To make the mug I rolled out clay and wrapped it around a hand sanitizer bottle with newspaper. For the cup and bowl we rolled out clay, cut it into circles, and used a plaster based bowl looking tool to press the clay into foam to make the bowl and plate shape.

The lines on the plate and mug are inspired by Osa's work because she used simple designs on her pieces. I used the C glazes because I wanted them to blend and overlap a bit. In Kelli's work, some of her glazes overlapped and were sort of transparent which is why I chose to use that type of glaze for this assignment.