Zorina Goldsword

Considered the deadliest warrior in all of Rune, she is most famous for defeating the Tarrasque all by herself.

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Misty grows old and fat living in Rough Neck keep with Super Dekkar. She demands that she is a princess and that Dekkar supply her with all the things a princess has coming to her. Dekkar turns evil and begins using his powers to bust in and take and kill people to get riches for Misty.

Dekkar is unstoppable and the Rough Necks are called in to stop him. Metallica refuses and claims to be retired. Professor Weirdo, Wade, Fire Wemic and Tarak (the Revengers) all go, and end up dying.

Mistys greed grows and grows and with Dekkar at her beck takes control of Twilight City.

Zorina is on her dirt farm and Darkhorn comes and says that they should take care of Dekkar. Zorina agrees and tells Darkhorn to come back in a week so that she can get ready.

The old woman dresses up in her red armor and waits for the cow. To her surprise, Wrightner shows up, claiming that his Tavern was destroyed and that Dekkar heard Zorina was coming and they were going to hunt her down. Zorina says when the cow gets there they were going to kick Dekkars ass. Writner says

Wrightner: “Darkhorn…..he’s dead. They caught him coming this way and took him to my bar.

Zorina:: “Nobody killed Darkhorn!”

Wrightner: “ Yeah, they have his body outside the bar. They keep asking him who he was coming to see that they beat and beat him until they said who you was. He said your were Zorina, Killer of Tarasques and Dragons”

Zorina: “That didn’t scare Dekkar did it.”

Wrightner (crying): “No ma’am”

Zorina looks into the sunset and sees a Goldsword standing in the middle of the field.

Zorina: “And if you cannot protect…….then you will avenge.”

Zorina goes down to the inn and finds Darkhorns body. She enters the bar to find Dekkar and all his followers Max, Thunder, etc discussing the best strategic way to attack Zorina’s farm. They look up when they hear the clank of the empty liquid shwarts can clank on the floor. Zorina with great speed slays all in the minions in the room with a flash of swords. Dekkar is helplessly slow even with is permanent haste. When it wears off Dekkar laughs and says hes going to kill her slowly. Zorina holds up her sword and say starts to sacrifice herself. Dekkar knows he can’t kill her before the action and says “I’ll see you in the 9 hells Zorina Goldsword” in which she replies “I know”. A huge bolt of lightning hits the two, destroying the Krazy Kinder and they both die.

Afterward, Misty is hung for treason with Metallica playing a jig as she dangles at the end of the rope.