Tanar Oakshaker

Tanar is known to some powerful rulers and creatures, most who ignore or avoid him. It is well known among them that Tanar is very powerful and has strong allies. Luckily he is not viewed as a threat, only to those who he takes an interest in. The leader of Twilight Village is very aware of this, often seeing how she herself can use a pawn of Tanar.

When Tanar returned he took residence on Egoth near Twilight Village. He monitors the land and the politics of the different races there, trying to maintain some semblance of balance only he is aware of. He appears and disappears often, sometimes running errand in the planes or elsewhere. Not one for ritual and traditions, Tanar is known to bend, sometimes even break rules and policies for the greater "good". He has aided evil and good empires and adventurers in equal stride. What his ultimate goal is unknown, but he seems to have an interest in unique individuals who carry the ability to change the land and possibly the world.

When his Grand Druid passed away, Tanar took over leadership with the intent of only finishing leftover business needed from his former mentor and friend. When Tanar decided he had completed what needed to be done, most druids in the order did not want him to leave the position. Tanar had higher aspirations, something only one who lived most of his life as a mage would understand. Tanar left the order and was not seen for many years.

Background: Tanar Oakshaker past is mystery to all. He is suspected of being very old, possibly older than the oldest living elf. What is known of him comes from the time he ascended to Great Druid for the Sapphire Enclave of Egoth. Tanar came out of no where and saved his druid circle from complete destruction by the Shadow Circle. This event eventually lead to him becoming the Grand Druid of the world, a position he held very shortly before becoming a heirophant (Tanar disliked the politics of the position). Tanar was the only dual classed mage to hold the position, as some druids dislike the potential risk to nature that arcane magic represents. What is known about Tanar's history is that he was once a powerful mage who retired to become a druid very late in his life. It is unknown the reason he did, though it is believed he was part of the Circle of Sequestered Magicks and he had some sort of falling out with the group. Tanar was hand picked by the Grand Druid to be his eventual replacement and was accepted into the order. He rose quickly in the ranks, serving the Grand Druid in secret missions. When he was sent to deal with the Shadow Circle activities in Egoth, Tanar took over the Great Druid position to help rebuild it.

Family / Clan