Map of the Planes

Notes: Pathfinder and Planescape have some similarities and differences. For the most part, the planer part of the Ganna world will be Planescape, with parts of Pathfinders "The Great Beyond" planer setting fit in.

Some area such as (Mount Celestia/Haven, Hell/Baator, Elysium/Elysium) are nearly identical in both settings and need no converversions.

Others such as (The Grey Waste/Abaddon), (Pandamonium/The Malestorm) have similar purposes, but in the descriptions are completely different.

Finally, places like Nirvana, the Nexis and The Boneyard are completely different from the Planescape setting and will not adapt well, but we'll do the best we can.

Key Descriptions

1-70 are detailed in Planewalkers Handbook by Monty Cook.

The abyss- The 7 layers of the Pathfinder abyss are placed in the 102nd to 109th level of the Planescape Abyss.

71- The Boneyard- Sitting on top of The Great Spire of the Outlands (or the Spirelands in Pathfinder) is a massive boneyard where recently dead souls go to be judged by Pharama's Court. Suspended above it is an enormous ring is Sigil, city of doors.

72-Abaddon - Very similar to The Grey Waste, this place houses the domains of some Neutral Evil powers. Its is cold and misty. The river styx runs through it. It is also plagues by Daemons.

73- Axis- A city of pure law that is in constant battle with creatures of chaos in the maelstrom. (DM Note: This place is supposed to be on the side of The Spire, neighbor a chaotic neutral plane and have the river sticks run next to it. It is not its own plane but a layer on Mechanus. It does not have modrons on it and are ruled by creatures named Axiomites.

74- Nirvana- a place neither of good or evil once a soul releases itself from earthly wants, it will find itself here. Since it is pure neutral, it would be a section of the Outlands.

75- The Maelstrom- land of chaos, forever at war with the forces of The Axis (This like the Axis does not meld together with Planescape and will have to be dealt with at a different time.) .

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