Ruyu Akakonton

Background: His father was from the Orient from the islands of Wa. His mother was from somehwere in Faerun. The half asian was obsessed with chaos.

From some reason he was imprisoned and joined a group of adventures trying escape their prison. The entire complex was beginning to collapse and Gnomar, Ruyu and Gordo managed to make their way into an underground cave and followed it into a gnome city. There they met a gnome titan named Glarn the Bold who joined their party.

The gnome greeted them kindly and told them the only way they could leave was to used a magic item called a Astrolab. The gnomes claimed they would send them home if they did a quest for their friend a Rakasta. He wanted them to save a Rakasta princess in their home realm named Thunder Rift. The party agreed and used the Astrolab to send the party to Thunder Rift somewhere in the outer planes.

They investigated an Japanese style palace, and fought a great many shadowy cat like monsters called Ebon Tigers, whose bite causes blindness.

During the final battle, Ruyu went blind from the bite of the Ebon Tigers and his alignment was changed during a wild surge. Unable to relate to his new true neutral alignment, the mage groped his way in total blindness to a gong of Ebon Tiger summoning and being completely mad managed to ring the gong several times and was killed by the monsters.

Sadly Ruyu survived as the chaos aura of the Ebon Tigers mixed with his escense and the power of the gong, causing him to survive the ordeal and recover is original alignment but to have his body pulsating chaos energy. If he does not find a cure, the energy will take his life.

Family / Clan