Roxel Earthrife

HackMaster 4e Statistics

Additional Notes:

Background: Roxel Earthrife was the daughter of a infamous vampire mage that lived in a castle under the sea named Ostrier Earthrife. His castle would cause world pools that would sink ships and would bring sailors into the air pocket surrounding his castle that he would devour. Ostrier was OBSESED with researching spells and refused to use magical items he didn’t create.

Roxel learned Blood magic from Ostrier and one day Ostriers castle was defeated by a group of adventures. Roxel claimed that she was a captive of Ostrier and didn’t really much mind that he was destroyed because Roxel didn’t care much for family.

Roxel on dry land met up with a monk named Nakasaki and his companion a beautiful elfin mage named of Kilendriya who was hunting a half orc blood mage named Dasania. Kilendriya was stuck up and conceded and over the course of their adventuring career Kilendriya would continue to comment about how ugly Roxel was.

During an adventure, Roxel found an artifact that allowed her to do a body swap. Roxel switched bodies with Kilendriya and killed her old body and named herself Aviana. Roxel saved the Kilendriya brain to use in a flesh golem.

Roxel worked as Nakasaki's sidekick and works for the demon dragon Klaw Keel. The pair aided the demon dragon in the destruction of a boy that in a prophecy would bring on the apocalypse. Roxel took this opportunity to use a newly acquired spell that drained all the mothers blood, leaving a dried husk of a corpse before the eyes of her child. Laughing the entire time.

Years later when Nakasaki started to train his new order of monks, Roxel found that she was really a night had and began to transform into one. She went to the Greywaste in the outer planes and with her abilities quickly took over the larvae trade, slaying many other Night Hags and started to work for the Demon Lord Diablo.

Diablo was attacked by a group of adventures, seeking his soul stone. Roxel attempted to teleport away, but found she was unable. She was charged by a Paladin and she smugly tried to cut off his leg with Remove Limb spell. To her shock, the spell failed....WHICH IT NEVER FAILS.

The paladin started to cut through her stone skins. She was about to use her helm of brilliance on the paladin, when he dropped his sword and started to choke the life from her. Unable to say the command words and stoneskin giving no protection from constriction, she flailed around helplessly. As her eyes bulged, from their sockets she finally recognized who this was. It was Ivan Dreadiron, the boy who's mother she drained all those years ago.