Güdorin Obsidian’s

Güdorin father was Ravin of House Obsidian, a high ranking general of high birth and would have been a prince of his house is he did not fall in love and marry a female tinker gnome named Nenabit Switchfidget of Kilvri Valley.

House Obsidian was located on The Burning Hills, until the hills were overran by a hoard of Goblins during the great goblin wars. House Obsidian had an alliance with the Tinkergnomes of Kilvri Valley which was also overran and the survivors retreated to their safe haven, an underground bunker area named Gnomeran.

Gnomeran was only accessible through special magical teleportation items. There a mixture of Rock, Tinker and Gnome titans made their new home.

Güdorin was trained by his father in the harsh way of Pangrus as were his brothers. When very young, Güdorin was armed an forced into a pit and fought an unarmed adult to the death.

20 years ago, Ravin and his sons mounted and expedition to reclaim House Obsidian. They arrived at the site to find the temple of Pangrus defiled and turned into a goblin temple devoted to their snake god Suty (Set). Ravin and his sons were captured and scarified to the god by being thrown into a pit full of poisonous snakes.

Ravin stomped on one of the serpents and the blood sprayed a V shape pattern on the wall. The V is they symbol of Pangrus because of his V shaped scar. A voice in Güdorin’s head told him the Pangrus will set him free. Güdorin hit the area where V was and the wall crumbled away. It was the area where the snakes came from. Güdorin ignored the stings of the snake bites and soon became dizzy from the venom. The goblins enraged begain to shoot arrows at Güdorin, but he was too far down the hole to reach him.

Güdorin managed to find his way outside and later found his way back to Gnomeran. His mother cared for him and nursed him back to health. Weeks when by and they were shocked by another surprise. Güdorin’s older brother Grakul also managed to make his way out. Grakul’s body was unconscious and left for dead after taking so much poison. They threw his body out of the temple and when he awoke, he buried his brother and father.

He called Güdorin and coward and said he should have fought to the end instead of escaping like a coward.

Grakul and Güdorin have been bitter rivals ever since.

Nenabit remarried a tinker gnome named Pankis who showed Güdorin a new invention, an Arcubus. The two worked on the item for many months, but one day, Pankis loaded the weapon too much and it exploded and he was killed him. Güdorin hopes to find a strong enough metal for the new weapon and to find the right chemistry for the powder.