Ivan Dreadiron

HackMaster 4e Statistics

Additional Notes:

See Character Sheet

Family / Clan

Background: Ivan DreadIron grew up in the City of Fangarie, son of a high ranking official in the Order of Luvia named Henrik. His mother Brita was a priestess of the blind Gawd of Justice and he and his twin brother Sven raised in the teachings of the church. As the years passed, Ivan and Sven grew strong and even at the age of twelve, the twin brothers looked as though they would one day become great knights of Luvia.

One day, a new menace appeared on the scene. Armies of demon spawn lead by a monk order known as the “Brotherhood of the Bloody Klaw” began to ravage the countryside. They were the armies of Klaw Keel, an ancient menace of legend. As the Order of Luvia prepared to meet this menace the city was attacked. Ivan and Sven were in the temple when is began to shake. A large bronze dragon had landed upon its roof and the roof caved in some beneath its weight. Sven and Ivan got separated from each other as beams and roofing fell from above. Ivan became trapped under a fallen beam, crushing his leg.

From out a window, Ivan saw his father fighting a monk and a female wizard. The monk defeated his with an attack known as “The Claw of the Dragon”. Facing his father, the monk extended his palm in a quick gesture. Henrick was blown backward by an invisible force and crushed against the side of the temple. The force left an imprint of a huge dragon claw impressed within it, shattering the glass near Ivan and causing the building to collapse around Ivan. When the dust cleared, Ivan was covered in dust and rubble but watched as his mother Brita ran to her husbands unconscious body, cursing their foes. The sorceress laughed and pointed her finger at Ivan’s mother and then to a nearby barrel.

Brita’s arms stretched out and her head tilted back and blood poured from her ears, eyes and mouth in streams, floating through the air and filling the barrel (Blood Drain SSG p91). Ivan muffled his screams in horror as the mage and monk laughed ecstatically. Her dried husk of a corpse fell to the ground next to her husband. Klaw Keel landed near them. The dragon inhaled deeply and breathed fire upon the building. Ivan losses consciousness and blacks out.

Ivan awoke to being pulled from the burning building. He saw the corpses of he parents, burning from the nearby fire. His father's corpse had a six foot long plank protruding from his heart. The fire had burnt the corpses so bad, that the priests were unable to use raise Ivan's parents from the dead. His father's sword was no where to be seen.

Ivan’s leg was crushed beyond repair and was amputated. Sven was thought to be dead, finding only his burnt right leg in the ruins., but after Ivan finished his paladin training, he kept being blamed for crimes he didn’t commit. It turned out in his rage and anger, Sven full of bitterness and hate turned to the gawd Yigor for revenge and became a Dark Knight.

Soon, Ivan meet his good friend Baldrick Thornhill, Priest of Zeluar and they formed “The Iron Sentinels of Justice” and became famous around the Fangaerian City States for their work at Frandor’s Keep. He also attracted two followers, Hugh Proudfoot the halflling prince and Zelda Flutterfly, a pixie faire priestess of Luvia.

Ivan ruled Frandor’s keep for many years and raised his son and daughter there until the death of his wife Agel. Ivan was in deep depression and one day woke up with a mysterious tattoo upon his arm called “an azure bond” with his two henchmen. They went on the quest to get them removed. Afterward, Hugh met his future wife Davara Stonefoot.

Ivan and Zelda then undertook a quest with their new group The Order of the Lonely Cart, to retrieve a lost sword of a promoniate paladin named Daniel (Fires of Dis). During the quest, Zelda proclaimed her love for Ivan, and the two married. Zelda became human through magic and became pregnant.

They fought through the infernal city of Dis and retrieved the sword. Then returned to the City of Fangarie. Ivan was granted permission to build Castle DreadIron, where he retrieved his children Jeroen and Kimora and Zelda raised them with their son Justin.

Hugh returned to the City of Fangarie and he and Ivan under went a quest to travel to The City of Southwind on the Continent of Egoth to look for a component of the Southwind Burrito. With the help of Baldrick's Mirror of Mental Prowlessness they were transported to the city of Cora when magic went ary and they were captured by the forces of Klaw Keel.

Ivan was taken before the Demon Dragon and charged him and was nearly killed. The dragon spared Ivan, explaining that all this time, Klaw Keel was searching for his brother Sven. A prophecy had told that he was a child of doom. Sven had actually killed his father and a blood mage named Roxel had actually killed his mother. Klaw Keel was not able to locate Sven, but Roxel was under the employ of Diablo in the city of Southwind.

Klaw Keel gave Ivan a box that when open had an essence of his gawd Luvia which was taken. Luvia was once Luvia a Merciless, and this "Merciless" essence merged with Ivan in the form of his missing limb. Ivan's group reformed to take on Diablo, who's power gem was needed to bring Luvia back to full power. During this time, Sven's prophecy of bringing on the apocalypse had been coming to pass. All the gods were blocked from the sphere. Luvia gave them the powers of the Hackmaster Classes and they defeated Diablo. Ivan killed Roxel with his bare hands.