Jachben Valdoski

HackMaster 4e Statistics

Additional Notes:

He joined a group named the Order of the Lonely Cart and went through several adventurers before his father found him and switch their bodies back.

His father Frank N. Valdoski was a brilliant Golemaster, but what he had in golemaster talents he lacked in moves with the ladies. Desperate for affection, he created a Love Golem named Jane, and to his surprise, it became impregnated. The offspring was born and look exactly like himself. He named it Jackvbane, since he was sort of born from masturbation. Humorless Jackbase served as his assistant in the workshop for many years, until his creator had a horrible heart attack. Right before he died, Frank transferred his soul into the Jackben's golem body and ran off. After this Jackbane had no memory of who or what he was and renamed himself Jachben. The then went on a travel of discovery and roamed the world, doing only what he knew how to do….create golems.