
200 years Illium was hit by an Asteroid that hit the Main continent. The Asteroid hit an area where Underdark was rather close to the surface but also VERY deep. This caused enormous amounts of Underdark, and its radiation, to be propelled into the stratosphere. This caused the world to be in a Twilight due to the dust and radiation of the Underdark. Since the impact was so deep and didnt have to go through much of the world's crust, it slighty punctured the mantle, sending molten lava into the underdark. The surviving drow fled to the surface to escape the lava, while other races such as the dwarves just closed off passages and dug re-reroutes. The Drow at first wished to conquer the above world they now lived in. With no blinding light and the Underdark radiation permeating the air; the Drow invaded and assaulted. A new war began, until it was cut short by the impending doom foretold by the worlds Sages. A great ice-age began, one that would destroy all life on the planet within 2 years, and the radiation from the Underdark was accelerating the timeframe. A great Drow sage discovered by harnessing the magical energies of the Drow, in conjuntion with great sacrifices from the Divine and Arcane essences, that the world might be saved. A truce began and all the races of the world worked together to implement this Sages designs...All except a small sect of evil Drow named the Grel, who hid underground in the some of the remains of the underdark far to the east. The great chain of magic spells and energies took place and stopped the Cataclysm, albeit at a great price. The races of Illium worked together just to survive the cold and dark that ensued...

The event that took placed 200 years ago diminished the essences of magic of the world. As time went by the ice-age diminished, and the underdark dust cleared and settled to the earth. The Races of the world had changed over time, along with schools of thought. Drow live alongside Elves and Humans with only the normal prejudice that one would expect between two different races. The world is colder than it once was 200 years ago, but is no longer in an ice-age. The monsters of the world are coming out of their caves, Heroes are rising up to fight them. Looking at the world now, without knowing how Illium was 200 years ago, it would seem like a normal world. The Grel have returned, changed by the events and time. They had much trouble finding food to survive, until they stumbled upon a hidden place with magical creatures called Pixie Fairies. Oh how great their flesh tasted to the Grel.