
Tarin’s mother, Coralynn, is in the tribal council and is responsible for most of the Tribe’s contracts, especially with outside entities. She is a Priestess of Amauntor/Kathir. His father,Qual’lin was a great Ranger and trains most of the tribe in this art, and makes Bows/Arrows of the finest quality, which he also trades with Blod. Tarin takes after his mother in his belief of law and justice, and takes after his father in his use of the bow.His mother’s faith was absolute(LN) and thus he believes in utter truth at any cost. His father was a bit different, in his belief of all things good(NG) and equal has led to Tarin’s nagging conscience, even if the law is straightforward. His father stressed that the bow is an extension of one’s self, and must be maintained as such. Tarin is not much of a people person, but is one to always be counted on when the right thing needs to be done. He will never associate with a Giant, as their tribe had been wronged by one of this race . He took to the bow at a very young age and exceled at it. He couldn’t keep a tune to save his life(He was kicked out of the tribal choir after the first rehearsal). He was trained with the bow by his father most of his life, but his mother wanted him to have formal training and so he trained in the obsidian mines and with the temple. He wasnt very charismatic and tended to get into arguements on little things, so the temple was not his path. He had great training by his parents, but he yearned for something of a different type. Once he finished his training, he still felt unaccomplished and approached his father. His father then introduced him to the one who had trained him with a bow. This old man from Blod trained him in in the ways of the Marksman, something that fit his yearning towards a mix of his mother and father’s influences.(archer and psionic).

Tarin returned to his tribe after much training in Blod, and once he showed his parents how good he was with the bow, they congratulated him and his father bestowed him with his bow and armor.

His Tribe is primarily made up of hunters and traders. Trading primarily with the Sandites from Blod and through them, the people of the HelmGuard Empire. This has done very well financially for his tribe, and even helped with the Thri-kreen problems, His tribe acting as a forward scouting party for Blod.

Family / Clan