Klaven Darkwood

Klaven Darkwood was a Norwold Mallute variant of the Lupan race, born to Steford and Carra Darkwood in the Lupin town of Cora on the outskirts of the Forest of Shadows. His father, was a member of the city guard who died when Klaven was and adolescent. Steford was protecting Cora’s leader, a rather fat, red coated bulldog eusdrian named Reddog. (These lupin variants are described in the Dragon Magazine 237 article “Campaign Classics: Lupins of the Mystra Stetting” by Bruce Heard)

Reddog was a loud boor braggart, a poor leader and was totally subservient to his bossy wife, but the town gave him this prestigious position because he was the son of The Red Hound Sage, and ancient mystical canine, sacred to the Lupins.

Redddog had dealings with a number of different shaddy characters, the worst of them was known as “The Mage in Black”. In one encounter with the Mage in Black, Reddog angered him so fiercely, that the encounter turned violent. Reddog began to flee and Steford barred the mages path to follow him. The wizard attacked Steford, only to be beaten back by the warrior and it forced the mage to flee via a teleportation spell. A voice from the wind told Steford he would pay for his insolence.

Two nights later, a lizard like creature, appeared like a ghost fell through the ceiling of Steford’s house. It then rematerialized and turned its lizard tale into a scorpion tale and struck Staford several times. Klaven looked in horror as he saw the thing killing his father. His mother attempted to help, but she too was stung with the poisonous tale.

The creature made its way through the house slaying the children. There was nowhere to hide. Lupin houses were a simple design. One large room with a arched doorway, usually with the family name over the door. Klaven made his way to the arched front door and managed to open it when he felt the sting of the tale on his back. As the poison rushed through his blood and foam formed in his mouth he asked “Why?”. The creature answered “It was the will of the mage in black.” He answered. Klavin began to lose consciousness. He asked one last question “What are foul creature you? A demon?”. The creature looked puzzled “Isn’t it obvious......I’m a human!” it said with a frown and turned ghost like again and sunk into the floor. Those images of his family laying dead, would plague him with chronic nightmares for years to come.

When Klaven awoke, he was in the hut of the local druid Crymlin the Half Styr. His mother was at his side, still unconscious. His father and sibling were dead. Crymiln was able to administer some spells and potions which saved them from the poison just in time, but it was too late for the others.

Klaven told Crymlin about the creature that attacked them and he told them it was a creature called a Wahali. Weird creatures from another world that had only recently came to this world. They used a weird form of magic named psionics.

Crymlin pleaded with Reddog to hunt down this Wahali and The Mage in Black for this massacre, but Reddog refused, claiming there wasn’t enough evidence, everyone knowing full well that the cowardly leader didn’t want the Wahali to return for him and his wife and children.

The following years were tough for Klaven and his mother. Crymlin helped as much as he could with food, but they never had much in the way of coin. Klaven took a job escorting a local centaur named Alrant Deathcharger and his son Xenus to the city of Tomar to try and find a gnome merchant that swindled. Although they never found the gnome, while in the city guard’s office, they were directed to the bounty hunters guild to look for information. While in the guild, Klaven looked at the wanted posters and saw a sketching of “The Mage in Black” with a reward of ten thousand gold pieces and a poster of a Wahali named “Human Joe”, it had a comment stating that he thought he was a human. Klaven wanted to take the posters, but the guild told him that only guild hunters were allowed to hunt. Klaven signed up on the spot and sent a not to his mother that he would return after training.

The guilds main headquarters and training facility was in the city of Helmguard. Klaven was trained and is now on the hunt for the two outlaws.