Lauren Twilight

Family / Clan

Background: Over 9 thousand years ago the gawds had Tiamat create a race of ultra powerful dragons to genocide the first civilized race on in the sphere known as “The Ancient Ones” on Ganna and "The Nydiran" on Rune. There were many of these ultra powerful dragons, but the three red variations were sisters named Avengalyn, Lauren, and Videlle who reigned over Ganna.

After the destruction of the ancient ones was complete, many of these ultra powerful dragons enslaved the uncivilized races on Ganna. As time went on and the uncivilized races became civilized they became more formidable. Videlle was slain by Halfling slave revolt using blessed weapons by the gawdess Yandalla (Read Deathwielder bio for details) and Lauren was shifted via a spell to the world of Rune from Dwarven rune casters.

Upon finding herself on Rune and no means to return, she decided to inhabit a red tower that had somehow survived the purging of the Nydiran. It is unknown how her massive form was able to enter the tower, but it is believed inside was great magical knowledge that allowed her to grow her abilities. The Lauren who entered was changed into the powerful mage she is known as today.

As the other races, once slaves to the Nydirans, began to expand upon the land, many approached the Red Tower. Lady Lauren, as she soon became known as, took these races in to build a city around her tower. Her rule was harsh but fair and soon Twilight Village was created. Twilight Village was remote and isolated from the human empire growing on the northeast corner of the land.

During the fall of the the Second Empire, Twilight Village was protected by Lady Lauren. During this time many sought to claim the city, and all feel to the well trained soldiers and the "red dragon" the Lady would summon. Twilight Village continue to survive, even as others died around them.

Things changed when humans from the lands to the east settled and formed Helmguard. Since it's found, Helmguard has tried to convince Lady Lauren to join her city with their Empire. Lady Lauren refuses for unknown reasons, other than to say she wishes to maintain her neutrality.

In recent times Lady Lauren has had dealings with her relative Klaw-Keel. When Klaw-Keel came to Rune, Lauren had helped him. It is believed she freed him from his koi fish form. How she found him, it is unknown. It is one of the few times in Twilight Village's history that the Red Lady (as she is sometimes called) had left the city to be ruled by her council until her return.

Lady Lauren still serves her own goals, whatever they may be.