Grendel Tanngen

Grendel Tanngen was orphaned at an early age. His grel tribe was slaughtered in a raid outside the the town of Grubsworth in the Fangaerian City States. Little more than a toddler, Grendel was found wandering the forest, and taken to the "Apple Blossom Orphans Home", where he was raised by Brother Belvar, Eunuch Zealot of Naviger. For several years, Grendel was a mischievous youth and was constantly in trouble. Brother Belvar felt that castration would help mellow the youth out.

When Grendel got word of Brother Belvar's plans, he quickly escaped the orphanage and stowed away on a caravan and found himself in the the great City of Fangarie. For a few days he roamed the streets until he met another young human boy who was picking pockets named Rodger. Rodger was a member of a thieves guild, comprised of young orphans, who banded together and pooled their resources. In this new environment Grendel thrived.

Grendel went to look for marks alone and one night witnessed a man going down "Beggars Ally ". By day these beggars were weak and timid, but when he saw the man walking down, the beggars eyes turned red and they devoured the man, leaving nothing of the corpse. (Urchin, Cannibal Street HOB VIII p46)

This gave Grendel an idea. His group had just hit a big mark and stolen a large amount of gold, if they were out of the picture, all the gold would be his. Grendel ran to his sleeping guild and yelled "The watch is coming!!! We have to get out of here!". The boys all scrambled. Grendel yelled "Quickly! Down Beggars Ally!". The boys ran into the small ally, and Grendel stood at the entrance, motioning them to enter.

Almost as quickly as they entered, the boys were slain and devoured. Only the last boy noticed what was happening and Grendel quickly kicked him into the ally to join the rest of the kids.

Grendel returned to the hideout and counted the gold.

With his newfound wealth, Grendel got a new gang named "The Crimson Knuckle Soldiers". They were about 10 strong. Grendel enjoyed roaming the streets with his thugs and picked on a youth named Baldrick Thornhill, calling him "Ball Drip" until he would cry and run away.

Family / Clan

Upon his release, he was placed in and out of jail, until he decided to give crime a rest. He settled down with a grel female named Elda and they had a son named Griffnal. Grendel opened "Grendel's Armor Maintenance Service" which cleaned, polished and maintained armor and weapons. He is waiting for the time where his past deeds will be forgotten and looks for the right opportunity to pull a HUGE heist.

One day, a family of Pixie Fairies move to town and The Crimson Knuckles attacked they youngest, a female named Zelda, a seminary student of Luvia. Grendel attempted to eat the young fairy until the entire gang was defeated by a youth named Ivan DreadIron. Grendel was arrested and was sentenced to 5 Years of hard labor.

dies in 708 TR